C6 婚姻 | C6 Hūnyīn | C6 The Marriage |
索菲娅和马克要结婚了。这是安娜和本一起出席的第一个婚礼。新娘和新郎为他们的庆祝活动选择了一个浪漫的地方:一个在山谷上的城堡。那个山谷的景色好极了,能看到底下流过的河流和瀑布。 | Suǒfēiyà hé Mǎkè yào jiéhūnle. Zhè shì Ānnà hé Běn yìqǐ chūxí de dì yī gè hūnlǐ. Xīnniáng hé xīnláng wèi tāmen de qìngzhù huódòng xuǎnzéle yígè làngmàn dì dìfāng: Yígè zài shāngǔ shàng de chéngbǎo. Nàgè shāngǔ de jǐngsè hǎojíle, néng kàndào dǐxia liúguò de héliú hé pùbù. | Sophia and Marc are marrying. It is the first wedding Anna and Ben are attending together. The bride and groom have chosen a romantic location for their celebration: a castle above a valley. The valley has wonderful views of the river which flows below and a waterfall. |
索菲娅穿着传统的礼服,在入口迎接客人。安娜抱了抱索菲娅。 | Suǒfēiyà chuānzhuó chuántǒng de lǐfú, zài rùkǒu yíngjiē kèrén. Ānnà bàole bào Suǒfēiyà. | Sophia wears a traditional gown and is greeting the guests at the entry. Anna hugs Sophia. |
“索菲娅,你看上去像一个模特。这件衣服美极了。这些小小的闪闪发光的扣子和丝绸真的很漂亮。这个长度显得你的鞋子很漂亮。你自己做的头发还是你有理发师?顺便说一句,我也把我的古董手镯带来了,万一你要是想戴它呢。” | “Suǒfēiyà, nǐ kàn shàngqù xiàng yígè mótè. Zhè jiàn yīfú měijíle. Zhèxiē xiǎo xiǎo de shǎnshǎn fāguāng de kòuzi hé sīchóu zhēn de hěn piàoliang. Zhège chángdù xiǎnde nǐ de xiézi hěn piàoliang. Nǐ zìjǐ zuò de tóufà háishì nǐ yǒu lǐfà shī? Shùnbiàn shuō yíjù, wǒ yě bǎ wǒ de gǔdǒng shǒuzhuó dàiláile, wàn yī nǐ yàoshi xiǎng dài tā ne.” | “Sophia, you look like a model. The dress is gorgeous. These tiny sparkling buttons and the silk are really beautiful. The length highlights your shoes beautifully. Did you do your hair yourself or did you have a hairdresser? By the way, I did bring my antique bracelet, just in case you want to wear it.” |
“安娜,非常感谢我好紧张.我一想到今天可能会因为什么事而出问题,就吓坏了。我希望马克拿着戒指呢。他肯定应该是考虑过了,而且把它们放好了。” | “Ānnà, fēicháng gǎnxiè! Wǒ hǎo jǐnzhāng. Wǒ yì xiǎngdào jīntiān kěnéng huì yīnwèi shénme shì ér chū wèntí, jiù xià huàile. Wǒ xīwàng Mǎkè názhe jièzhi ne. Tā kěndìng yīnggāi shì kǎolǜ guòle, érqiě bǎ tāmen fànghǎole. | “Oh Anna, thank you so much! I'm so nervous! I'm terrified that something will go wrong today. I hope Marc has the rings. He must have thought of them and put them away.” |
“我会提醒他的。这城堡的建筑设计真的是太壮观了。你自订婚公告以来做成的这些事真的让我很惊叹。” | “Wǒ huì tíxǐng tā de. Zhè chéngbǎo de jiànzhù shèjì zhēn de shì tài zhuàngguānle. Nǐ zì dìnghūn gōnggào yǐlái zuò chéng de zhèxiē shì zhēn de ràng wǒ hěn jīngtàn.” | “I'll remind him of it. The architecture of the castle is absolutely spectacular. I'm really amazed at what you've achieved since the engagement announcement.” |
索菲娅热泪盈眶。 | Suǒfēiyà rèlèi yíng kuàng. | Sophia is in tears. |
“我向上帝祈祷一切都会好好的。这里会有一个小提琴音乐会,但有的乐队成员还没到。” | “Wǒ xiàng shàngdì qídǎo yíqiè dōu huì hǎohāo de. Zhèlǐ huì yǒu yígè xiǎotíqín yīnyuèhuì, dàn yǒu de yuèduì chéngyuán hái méi dào.” | “I pray to God that everything will be fine. There's going to be a violin concert and not all members of the band have arrived yet.” |
“我毫不怀疑他们会准时到达的。你可不要心脏病发作,你的爱才是今天最重要的事情。” | “Wǒ háo bù huáiyí tāmen huì zhǔnshí dàodá de. Nǐ kě bùyào xīnzàng bìng fāzuò, nǐ de ài cái shì jīntiān zuì zhòngyào de shìqíng.” | “I have no doubt that they'll arrive in time. Don’t have a heart attack, your love is the most important thing today.” |
“感谢上帝,你在这里!这帮助我保持冷静。就是压力真的太大了。” | “Gǎnxiè shàngdì, nǐ zài zhèlǐ! Zhè bāngzhù wǒ bǎochí lěngjìng. Jiùshì yālì zhēn de tài dàle.” | “Thank God you're here! It helps me to remain calm. The stress is just overwhelming.” |
“你做得很好了。自然,你会害怕的,再怎么说这也是你的第一次婚礼啊。离过几次婚后,组织这样的活动就会变得更容易 了。” | “Nǐ zuò dé hěn hǎole. Zìrán, nǐ huì hàipà de, zài zěnme shuō zhè yěshì nǐ de dì yī cì hūnlǐ a. Líguò jǐ cì hūn hòu, zǔzhī zhèyàng de huódòng jiù huì biàn dé gèngjiā róngyìle.” | “You're doing well. Naturally you're frightened, it's your first wedding after all. After a couple of divorces, it'll become much easier to organise the event.” |
一个微笑出现在索菲娅的脸上。 | Yígè wēixiào chūxiàn zài Suǒfēiyà de liǎn shàng. | A smile appears on Sophia’s face. |
“你能保守秘密吗?如果现在,马克背叛我,无论如何我都会继续我们的关系的。” | “Nǐ néng bǎoshǒu mìmì ma?” Rúguǒ xiànzài, Mǎkè bèipàn wǒ, wúlùn rúhé wǒ dōu huì jìxù wǒmen de guānxì de. | “Can you keep a secret? Right now, Marc could cheat on me and I would continue our relationship anyway.” |
“但愿你永远不必面对这个问题。他永远不会让你失望的。安娜有信心地说。 | “Dàn yuàn nǐ yǒngyuǎn búbì miànduì zhège wèntí. Tā yǒngyuǎn bú huì ràng nǐ shīwàng de. Ānnà yǒu xìnxīn dì shuō. | “Hopefully, you'll never have to face that question. He'll never disappoint you like that,” Anna says confidently |
一个衣冠楚楚的男人接近 他们。他的呼吸很乱。 | Yígè yīguānchǔchǔ de nánrén jiējìn tāmen. Tā de hūxī hěn luàn. | A well-dressed man approaches them. He is breathing heavily. |
“抱歉!我是吉他手。你能告诉我其他音乐家都在哪里吗?” | “Bàoqiàn! Wǒ shì jítāshǒu. Nǐ néng gàosù wǒ qítā yīnyuè jiā dōu zài nǎlǐ ma?” | “Pardon me! I'm the guitarist. Can you tell me where the other musicians are?” |
“他们正在舞池里准备呢。” | “Tāmen zhèngzài wǔchí lǐ zhǔnbèi ne.” | “They're preparing themselves inside, on the dance floor.” |
仪式开始了。索菲娅和马克开始说他们的誓言。当索菲娅被要求服从马克时,观众里出现了笑声。 | Yíshì kāishǐle. Suǒfēiyà hé Mǎkè kāishǐ shuō tāmen de shìyán. Dāng Suǒfēiyà bèi yāoqiú fúcóng Mǎkè shí, guānzhòng lǐ chūxiànle xiàoshēng. | The ceremony starts and Sophia and Marc take their vows. When Sophia is asked to obey Marc, there is laughter in the audience. |
当索菲娅和马克被宣布结为夫妻时,一只小狗突然出现并开始吠叫。马克举起他,并把他交给了索菲娅。 | Dāng Suǒfēiyà hé Mǎkè bèi xuānbù jié wéi fūqī shí, yì zhǐ xiǎo gǒu túrán chūxiàn bìng kāishǐ fèijiào. Mǎkè jǔ qǐ tā, bìng bǎ tā jiāo gěile Suǒfēiyà. | When Sophia and Marc are declared husband and wife, a little puppy appears suddenly and starts barking. Marc lifts him up and passes him over to Sophia. |
“它现在还不知道如何很好的表现,但这个小怪物会给我们带来快乐的。他是我们新家庭的第一个成员。” | “Tā xiànzài hái bù zhīdào rúhé hěn hǎo de biǎoxiàn, dàn zhège xiǎo guàiwù huì gěi wǒmen dàilái kuàilè de. Tā shì wǒmen xīn jiātíng de dì yígè chéngyuán.” | “He doesn't know how to behave yet, but this little monster will bring us happiness. He's the first member of our new family.” |
索菲娅喜悦的眼泪简直停不下来,安娜不得不递给她一张纸巾。 | Suǒfēiyà xǐyuè de yǎnlèi jiǎnzhí tíng bù xiàlái, Ānnà bùdébù dì gěi tā yì zhāng zhǐjīn. | Sophia cannot stop her tears of joy and Anna has to hand her a tissue. |
“我们就叫他雷霆吧。他真是很有打断的才能呢。” | “Wǒmen jiù jiào tā léitíng ba. Tā zhēnshi hěn yǒu dǎduàn de cáinéng ne”. | “Let's call him Thunder! He has a talent for interrupting.” |
到了深夜,客人们走出来在月光下观看了烟花。 | Dàole shēnyè, kèrénmen zǒu chūlái zài yuèguāng xià guānkànle yānhuā. | At the end of the night, the guests go outside in the moonlight to see the fireworks. |
最初,索菲娅和马克预定好了要在婚礼后立即去度蜜月,但现在他们决定过两周再走。 | Zuìchū, Suǒfēiyà hé Mǎkè yùdìng hǎole yào zài hūnlǐ hòu lìjí qù dù mìyuè, dàn xiànzài tāmen juédìngguò liǎng zhōu zài zǒu. | Originally, Sophia and Marc had scheduled the honeymoon directly after the wedding, but now they have decided that they will only leave in a fortnight. |
婚姻 | hūnyīn | the marriage | | marriage | marriage | |
结婚 | jiéhūn | to marry | | knot | marriage | |
婚礼 | hūnlǐ | the wedding | | marriage | gift | |
出席 | chūxí | to attend | | out | seat | |
新娘 | xīnniáng | the bride | | new | mother | |
新郎 | xīnláng | the groom | | new | youth | |
浪漫 | làngmàn | romantic | | wave | overflow | |
庆祝 | qìngzhù | the celebration | | celebrate | wish | |
城堡 | chéngbǎo | the castle | | city | fort | |
山谷 | shāngǔ | the valley | | mountain | valley | |
好极了 | hǎojíle | wonderful | | good | extreme | finished | |
流 | liú | to flow | | flow | |
底下 | dǐxia | below | | bottom | under | |
瀑布 | pùbù | the waterfall | | waterfall | cloth | |
传统 | chuántǒng | traditional | | pass | unify | |
礼服 | lǐfú | the gown | | gift | clothes | |
抱 | bào | to hug | | hold | |
迎接 | yíngjiē | to greet | | welcome | receive | |
入口 | rùkǒu | the entry | | enter | mouth | |
美极了 | měijíle | gorgeous | | nice | extreme | finished | |
小小 | xiǎo xiǎo | tiny | | small | small | |
闪闪发光 | shǎnshǎn fāguāng | sparkling | | flash | flash | hair | light | |
扣子 | kòuzi | the button | | button | small thing | |
丝绸 | sīchóu | the silk | | silk | silk | |
长度 | chángdù | the length | | long | spend | |
显得 | xiǎnde | to highlight | | display | get | |
漂亮 | piàoliang | beautifully | | drift | bright | |
做头发 | zuò tóufà | to do hair | | do | head | hair | |
理发师 | lǐfàshī | the hairdresser | | manage | hair | master | |
顺便说一句 | shùnbiàn shuō yījù | by the way | | shun | plain | say | one | sentence | |
古董 | gǔdǒng | antique | | ancient | supervise | |
手镯 | shǒuzhuó | the bracelet | | hand | bracelet | |
万一 | wàn yī | just in case | | ten thousand | one | |
吓坏了 | xiàhuàile | terrified | | scare | bad | finished | |
出问题 | chū wèntí | to go wrong | | out | ask | subject | |
戒指 | jièzhi | the ring | | quit | finger | |
考虑 | kǎolǜ | to think of | | test | consider | |
把……放好 | bǎ…… fàng hǎo | to put away | | bundle | put | good | |
提醒 | tíxǐng | to remind of | | carry | wake up | |
建筑 | jiànzhù | the architecture | | build | build | |
真的是 | zhēn de shì | absolutely | | true | of | be | |
壮观 | zhuàngguān | spectacular | | strong | look | |
让……很惊叹 | ràng ……hěn jīngtàn | amazed | | let | very | startle | sigh | |
做成 | zuò chéng | to achieve | | do | become | |
自……以来 | zì ……yǐlái | since | | oneself | by | come | |
公告 | gōnggào | the annoucement | | public | tell | |
订婚 | dìnghūn | the engagement | | order | marriage | |
热泪盈眶 | rèlèi yíng kuàng | in tears | | heat | tears | surplus | orbit | |
祈祷 | qídǎo | to pray | | pray | prayer | |
上帝 | shàngdì | God | | on | emperor | |
小提琴 | xiǎotíqín | the violin | | small | carry | piano | |
成员 | chéngyuán | the member | | become | person | |
乐队 | yuèduì | the band | | music | team | |
怀疑 | huáiyí | the doubt | | chest | suspect | |
毫不怀疑 | háo bù huáiyí | to have no doubt | | hair | not | chest | suspect | |
准时 | zhǔnshí | in time | | accurate | time | |
心脏病发作 | xīnzàng bìng fāzuò | the heart attack | | heart | dirty | disease | hair | make | |
爱 | ài | the love | | love | |
才 | cái | (to emphasize) | | talent | |
感谢上帝 | gǎnxiè shàngdì | Thank God | | feel | thank | on | emperor | |
保持冷静 | bǎochí lěngjìng | to remain calm | | protect | hold | cold | quiet | |
压力 | yālì | the stress | | pressure | force | |
太大了 | tài dàle | overwhelming | | too | big | finished | |
做得很好 | zuò dé hěn hǎo | to do well | | do | get | very | good | |
自然 | zìrán | naturally | | oneself | so | |
害怕 | hàipà | frightened | | harm | afraid | |
再怎么说 | zài zěnme shuō | after all | | again | how | what | say | |
离婚 | líhūn | the divorce | | leave | marriage | |
活动 | huódòng | the event | | live | move | |
微笑 | wēixiào | the smile | | tiny | laugh | |
出现 | chūxiàn | to appear | | out | now | |
保守秘密 | bǎoshǒu mìmì | to keep a secret | | protect | guard | secret | dense | |
背叛 | bèipàn | to cheat | | back | rebel | |
继续 | jìxù | to continue | | following | continued | |
关系 | guānxì | the relationship | | close | fasten | |
不必 | búbì | to not have to | | not | certainly | |
但愿 | dànyuàn | hopefully | | but | willing | |
面对 | miànduì | to face | | side | correct | |
永远不 | yǒngyuǎn bù | never will | | forever | far | not | |
失望 | shīwàng | to disappoint | | lose | hope | |
有信心 | yǒu xìnxīn | confidently | | have | letter | heart | |
衣冠楚楚 | yīguānchǔchǔ | well-dressed | | clothes | crown | pain | pain | |
接近 | jiējìn | to approach | | receive | near | |
呼吸 | hūxī | to breathe | | call | absorb | |
乱 | luàn | heavily | | chaos | |
抱歉 | bàoqiàn | pardon | | hold | apologize | |
吉他手 | jítāshǒu | the guitarist | | lucky | he | hand | |
音乐家 | yīnyuèjiā | the musician | | sound | music | home | |
准备 | zhǔnbèi | to prepare yourself | | accurate | prepare | |
舞 | wǔ | the dance | | dance | |
舞池 | wǔchí | the dance floor | | dance | pond | |
仪式 | yíshì | the ceremony | | instrument | formula | |
誓言 | shìyán | the vow | | oath | speak | |
要求 | yāoqiú | to ask | | want | begging | |
服从 | fúcóng | to obey | | clothes | from | |
笑声 | xiàoshēng | the laughter | | laugh | sound | |
宣布 | xuānbù | to declare | | declare | cloth | |
夫妻 | fūqī | husband and wife | | husband | wife | |
小狗 | xiǎo gǒu | the puppy | | small | dog | |
吠叫 | fèijiào | to bark | | bark | call | |
举 | jǔ | to lift up | | lift | |
把……交给 | bǎ ……jiāo gěi | to pass over to | | bundle | deliver | give | |
表现 | biǎoxiàn | to behave | | list | now | |
怪物 | guàiwù | the monster | | strange | things | |
带来快乐 | dàilái kuàilè | to bring happiness | | bring | come | fast | music | |
家庭 | jiātíng | the family | | home | court | |
喜悦 | xǐyuè | the joy | | happiness | joy | |
递给 | dìgěi | to hand | | pass | give | |
纸巾 | zhǐjīn | the tissue | | paper | towel | |
叫 | jiào | to call | | call | |
雷霆 | léitíng | the thunder | | mine | thunder | |
才能 | cáinéng | the talent | | talent | can | |
打断 | dǎduàn | to interrupt | | hit | break | |
深夜 | shēnyè | the night | | deep | night | |
月光 | yuèguāng xià | the moonlight | | month | light | |
观看 | guānkàn | to see | | look | look | |
烟花 | yānhuā | the firework | | smoke | flower | |
最初 | zuìchū | originally | | most | early | |
预定 | yùdìng | to schedule | | predict | decide | |
蜜月 | mìyuè | the honeymoon | | honey | month | |
立即 | lìjí | directly | | stand up | which is | |
两周 | liǎng zhōu | the fortnight | | two | week | |