C6 El Matrimonio | C6 The marriage |
Sophia y Marc se casan. Es la primera boda la que Anna y Ben asisten juntos. La novia y el novio han elegido un lugar romántico para su celebración: un castillo sobre un valle con magníficas vistas del río que fluye debajo y una cascada. | Sophia and Marc are marrying. It is the first wedding Anna and Ben are attending together. The bride and groom have chosen a romantic location for their celebration: a castle above a valley, with wonderful views of the river which flows below and a waterfall. |
Sophia lleva un vestido tradicional. Anna abraza a Sophia, quien saluda a los invitados en la entrada. | Sophia wears a traditional dress. Anna hugs Sophia who is greeting the guests at the entry. |
"Sophia, pareces una modelo. El vestido es precioso. Estos pequeños botones brillantes y la seda son realmente hermosos. El largo resalta tus zapatos maravillosamente. ¿Te peinaste tú sola o tuviste una peluquera? Por cierto, traje mi vieja pulsera, por si acaso querías ponértela. | “Sophia, you look like a model. The dress is gorgeous. These tiny sparkling buttons and the silk are really beautiful. The length highlights your shoes beautifully. Did you do your hair yourself or did you have a hairdresser? By the way, I did bring my antique bracelet, just in case you want to wear it.” |
"Oh Anna, ¡muchas gracias! ¡Estoy muy nerviosa! Me aterra que algo salga mal hoy. Espero que Marc tenga los anillos. Debe haber pensado en ellos y haberlos dejado." | “Oh Anna, thank you so much! I'm so nervous! I'm terrified that something will go wrong today. I hope Marc has the rings. He must have thought of them and put them away.” |
"Yo se lo recordaré. La arquitectura del castillo es absolutamente espectacular. Estoy realmente asombrada por todo lo que has conseguido desde el anuncio del compromiso." | “I'll remind him of it. The architecture of the castle is absolutely spectacular. I'm really amazed at what you've achieved since the engagement announcement.” |
Sophia está llorando. | Sophia is in tears. |
"Rezo a Dios por que todo salga bien. Habrá un concierto de violín y no han llegado todos los miembros del grupo todavía." | “I pray to God that everything will be fine. There's going to be a violin concert and not all members of the band have arrived yet.” |
"No tengo duda de que llegarán a tiempo. No tengas un ataque al corazón, tu amor es lo más importante hoy." | “I have no doubt that they'll arrive on time. Don’t have a heart attack, your love is the most important thing today.” |
"¡Gracias a Dios que estás aquí! Me ayuda a mantener la calma. El estrés es simplemente abrumador." | “Thank God you're here! It helps me to remain calm. The stress is just overwhelming.” |
"Lo estás haciendo bien. Naturalmente estás asustada, es tu primer matrimonio después de todo. Tras un par de divorcios, te será mucho más fácil organizar el evento." | “You're doing well. Naturally you're frightened, it's your first wedding after all. After a couple of divorces, it'll become much easier to organise the event.” |
Una sonrisa aparece en el rostro de Sophia. | A smile appears on Sophia’s face. |
¿Puedes guardar un secreto? Ahora mismo, Marc podría serme infiel y yo continuaría nuestra relación de todos modos. " | “Can you keep a secret? Right now, Marc could cheat on me and I would continue our relationship anyway.” |
Con suerte, nunca tendrás que enfrentarte a esa cuestión. Él nunca te decepcionará de esa manera." Dice Anna con confianza. | “Hopefully, you'll never have to face that question. He'll never disappoint you like that,” Anna says confidently |
Un hombre bien vestido se les acerca. Respira con dificultad. | A well-dressed man approaches them. He is breathing heavily. |
"¡Disculpen! Soy el guitarrista. ¿Pueden decirme dónde están los otros músicos? " | “Pardon me! I'm the guitarist. Can you tell me where the other musicians are?” |
“Se están preparando dentro, en la pista de baile. " | “They're preparing themselves inside, on the dance floor.” |
"Comienza la ceremonia y Sophia y Marc dicen sus votos. Cuando se le pide a Sophia que obedezca a Marc, hay risas entre el público." | The ceremony starts and Sophia and Marc take their vows. When Sophia is asked to obey Marc, there is laughter in the audience. |
Cuando Sophia y Marc son declarados marido y mujer, un pequeño cachorro aparece de repente y comienza a ladrar. Marc lo levanta y se lo pasa a Sophia. | When Sophia and Marc are declared husband and wife, a little puppy appears suddenly and starts barking. Marc lifts him up and passes him over to Sophia. |
"Todavía no sabe cómo comportarse, pero este pequeño monstruo nos traerá felicidad. Es el primer miembro de nuestra nueva familia." | “He doesn't know how to behave yet, but this little monster will bring us happiness. He's the first member of our new family.” |
Sophia no puede detener sus lágrimas de alegría y Anna tiene que pasarle un pañuelo. | Sophia cannot stop her tears of joy and Anna has to hand her a tissue. |
"¡Llamémoslo Trueno! Tiene talento para interrumpir. " | “Let's call him Thunder! He has a talent for interrupting.” |
Al final de la noche, los invitados salen a la luz de la luna para ver los fuegos artificiales. | At the end of the night, the guests go outside in the moonlight to see the fireworks. |
En un principio, Sophia y Marc habían planeado su luna de miel directamente después de la boda, pero ahora han decidido que se irán dentro de una quincena. | Originally, Sophia and Marc had scheduled the honeymoon directly after the wedding, but now they have decided that they will only leave in a fortnight. |
la boda | the marriage |
casarse con | to marry |
el matrimonio | the wedding |
asistir | to attend |
la novia | the bride |
el novio | the groom |
romántico | romantic |
la celebración | the celebration |
el castillo | the castle |
el valle | the valley |
maravilloso | wonderful |
fluir | to flow |
debajo | below |
la cascada | the waterfall |
tradicional | traditional |
abrazar | to hug |
saludar | to greet |
la entrada | the entry |
parecerse | to look like |
precioso | gorgeous |
pqueño | tiny |
brillante | sparkling |
el botón | the button |
la seda | the silk |
el largo | the length |
resaltar | to highlight |
maravillosamente | beautifully |
peinar | to do your hair |
el peluquero | the hairdresser |
antiguo | antique |
la pulsera | the bracelet |
por si acaso | just in case |
aterrado | terrified |
salir mal | to go wrong |
el anillo | the ring |
pensar en algo | to think of |
dejar | to put away |
recordar | to remind of |
la arquitectura | the architecture |
absolutamente | absolutely |
espectacular | spectacular |
asombrado | amazed |
conseguir | to achieve |
el anuncio | the annoucement |
el compromiso | the engagement |
llorando | in tears |
rezar | to pray |
Dios | god |
el violin | the violin |
el miembro | the member |
la banda | the band |
la duda | the doubt |
no tener dudas | to have no doubt |
a tiempo | in time |
el ataque al corazón | the heart attack |
el amor | the love |
Gracias a Dios | Thank God |
mantener la calma | to remain calm |
el estrés | the stress |
abrumador | overwhelming |
hacer bien | to do well |
naturalmente | naturally |
asustado | frightened |
el divorcio | the divorce |
el evento | the event |
la sonrisa | the smile |
aparecer | to appear |
guardar un secreto | to keep a secret |
ser infiel | to cheat |
continuar | to continue |
la relación | the relationship |
con suerte | hopefully |
enfrentar | to face |
decepcionar | to disappoint |
con confianza | confidently |
bien vestido | well-dressed |
acercarse | to approach |
respirar | to breathe |
fuertemente | heavily |
disculpe | pardon |
el guitarrista | the guitarist |
el músico | the musician |
prepararte | to prepare yourself |
el baile | the dance |
la pista de baile | the dance floor |
la ceremonia | the ceremony |
el voto | the vow |
obedecer | to obey |
la risa | the laughter |
declarar | to declare |
el cachorro | the puppy |
ladrar | to bark |
levantar | to lift up |
pasar a | to pass over to |
comportarse | to behave |
el monstruo | the monster |
traer felicidad | to bring happiness |
la alegría | the joy |
dar | to hand |
el pañuelo | the tissue |
llamar | to call |
el trueno | the thunder |
el talento | the talent |
interrumpir | to interrupt |
la luz de la luna | the moonlight |
el fuego artificial | the firework |
en un principio | originally |
planear | to schedule |
la luna de miel | the honeymoon |
la quincena | the fortnight |