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B11 在城里

B11 在城里

B11 Zài Chéng lǐ

B11 In town


Zhōngwǔ, Suǒfēiyà hé Ānnà zài yì jiā kāfēiguǎn jiànlemiàn. Nǚ fúwùyuán wèi Suǒfēiyà shàngle mángguǒ zhī hé péigēn jiāndàn. Ānnà diǎnle  dàngāo hé yì bēi kāfēi.

Sophia and Anna meet in a cafe at noon. The waitress brings a mango juice and an omelette with bacon for Sophia. Anna orders pear cake and a coffee.


“Tāmen zhèlǐ yì zhěng tiān dōu tígōng zǎocān, shènzhì zài gōngzuòrì yě yǒu.”

“They offer breakfast all day long here, even on weekdays.”


“Nǐ jīntiān méi chī zǎocān ma?”

“Did you not have breakfast today?”


“Méiyǒu, wǒ yìzhí gōngzuò dào bànyè. Jīntiān zǎoshang wǒ hěn lǎn, zhíjiē nále wǒ de shǒutíbāo, jiù chūláile. Zài lùshàng wǒ hái mǎile yìxiē wánjù zázhì.”

“No, I was working until midnight. Then I was lazy this morning, quickly took my handbag and bought some toy magazines on the way here.”





“Zhè jiùshì wǒ xūyào nǐ bāngmáng de dìfāng. Wǒ de zhínǚ sì suìle. Yīnwèi nǐ de zhízi hé tā yīyàng dà. Suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎng nǐ kěnéng zhīdào zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng yīnggāi mǎi xiē shénme.”

“That is why I need your help. My niece turns 4 and since your nephew is the same age, I thought you might know what to buy for this occasion.”


“Ń, nǐ kěyǐ gěi tā mǎi yígè wáwá ma? Wǒ wèi zhízi mǎile yígè diànzǐ jīqìrén, Běn gěile tā yígè xiǎo huòchē, dànshì zhèxiē shì diǎnxíng de nán háizi wánjù.”

“Hmm, you could buy her a doll? I got an electronic robot for my nephew. Ben gave him a lorry, but these are typical boys’ toys.”


“Xià zhōu wǒ qù kān háizǐ shí, wǒ huì wèn wǒ jiějiě, kàn tā huì tuījiàn shénme. Wǒ de zhínǚ mǎshàng yào shàng xuéqiánbānle. Wǒ kěyǐ gěi tā mǎi yí jiàn piàoliang de yùndòngshān. Wǒ gǎn dǎdǔ tā huì xǐhuān de. Tā shìgè xiǎo gōngzhǔ.”

“I will ask my sister what she recommends when I am there for babysitting next week. My niece will attend pre school soon. I could buy her a nice sweatshirt. I bet she would like that. She is a little princess.”


“Nàme wèntí jiějuéle ya,” Ānnà shuō.

“So the problem is solved” Anna says.


“Wǒ hái yǒu lìng yígè wèntí. Chúle lùnwén, wǒ hái bìxū xiě yì shǒu shī zuòwéi wǒ de kèchéng zuòyè. Wǒ yǐqián cóng wèi zuòguò shī. Yīncǐ wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme xiě. Zhè táng kè duì wǒ hěn zhòngyào. Nǐ néng gěi wǒ yìxiē zhǐdǎo, bìngqiě bāng wǒ xiě gè kāitóu ma?”

“I have another one. I have to write a poem in addition to the text for my course. I have never done this before and therefore I have no idea how to start. This class matters a lot to me. Could you give me some instructions and help me with the beginning?”


“Nǐ yīnggāi xiě guānyú làngmàn de, zhè shì shīgē de zuì jiā zhǔtí. Xiǎng yì xiǎng nǐ duì Běn de gǎnjué, yǐjí hé tā de xìngfú shēnghuó! Xiě shīgē xūyào hěn cháng shíjiān. Shīrén dōu bìxū yǒu nàixīn.”

“You should write about romance, that is the best topic for poetry. Think about your feelings for Ben and your happiness living with him! Writing poetry take ages. Poets have to be patient.”


“Zhè tīngqǐlái hěn yǒu tiǎozhànxìng. Yǒu méiyǒu gèng yǒuxiào de fāngfǎ dádào mùbiāo?”

“That sounds challenging. Is there no more efficient way of reaching the goal?”


“Nǐ bùdébù huā shíjiān zài zhè shàngmian. Bìxū yào zhǎodào néng yāyùn de cí. Zhè xūyào liànxí.”

“You will have to spend time on it. It requires practice to find words that rhyme.”


Hǎo ba, wǒ shènzhì bú yìnggāi shàng zhè mén kè, zhēnshi fāfēngle.”

“Oh well, I should not even have taken the course, that was insane.”


Wèile xiànzài nénggòu tōngguò, nǐ bìxū yào yǒu chuàngzàoxìng. Nǐ yě kěyǐ chāo wǒ de rènhé yī shǒu jiùshī. Jǐ nián qián, wǒ zài xuéxiào de zuìhòu yì nián xiě xiàle zhèxiē shī. Xìnghǎo, méiyǒurén jiànguò, suǒyǐ kěyǐ shuō shì, nǐ cóng wǒ zhèlǐ tōu zǒule zhèxiē shī”.

“In order to pass it now, you have to work creatively. You can also copy any of my old poems. I wrote them some years ago in my final year at school. Luckily, no one has seen them before, you can so to say ‚steal’ them from me.”


Búyòngle, xièxie. Wǒ xiànzài bìxū zìjǐ zuò.”

“No thanks, I have to do this myself now.”


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