B12 远足 | B12 Yuǎnzú | B12 The hike |
今天闹钟很早就响了。安娜和本已经决定了要去远足。天气很好,但是下午可能会有强暴风雨的风险。 | Jīntiān nàozhōng hěn zǎo jiù xiǎngle. Ānnà hé Běn yǐjīng juédìngle yào qù yuǎnzú. Tiānqì hěn hǎo, dànshì xiàwǔ kěnéng huì yǒu qiáng bàofēngyǔ de fēngxiǎn. | Today the alarm clock rings early. Anna and Ben have decided to go hiking. The weather is good but there is a risk of storms in the afternoon. |
本打开了窗帘,将羽绒被从安娜身上拉开,然后吻了她的鼻子 | Běn dǎkāile chuānglián, jiāng yǔróngbèi cóng Ānnà shēnshang lā kāi, ránhòu wěnle tā de bízi. | Ben opens the curtains, pulls the duvet away from Anna and kisses her on the nose. |
“我应该只是梦到了一个善良的男朋友吧!”安娜闭上眼睛,把毯子拉回了头上。 | “Wǒ yīnggāi zhǐshì mèngdàole yígè shànliáng de nán péngyǒu ba!” Ānnà bìshàng yǎnjīng, bǎ tǎnzi lāhuíle tóu shàng. | “I was just dreaming about a kind boyfriend!” Anna keeps her eyes shut and pulls the blanket back over her head. |
“有一天你会找到一个,然后你会想念我给你的生活带来的激情,你会很伤心的。” | “Yǒu yìtiān nǐ huì zhǎodào yígè, ránhòu nǐ huì xiǎngniàn wǒ gěi nǐ de shēnghuó dàilái de jīqíng, nǐ huì hěn shāngxīn de.” | “One day you will find one and then you will be sad and miss the excitement I bring to your life.” |
本开始收拾他的远足装备,并且清理了他的脏靴子。他拿了一件晚上要穿的套头衫。安娜还从抽屉里拿了一件毛衣,并且开始找她的鸭舌帽。 | Běn kāishǐ shōushí tā de yuǎnzú zhuāngbèi, bìngqiě qīnglǐle tā de zàng xuēzi. Tā nále yí jiàn wǎnshàng yào chuān de tàotóu shān. Ānnà hái cóng chōutì lǐ nále yí jiàn máoyī, bìngqiě kāishǐ zhǎo tā de yāshémào. | Ben starts packing his hiking kit and cleans his dirty hiking boots. He takes a sweater for the evening. Anna also takes a jumper from the drawer and looks for her cap. |
在车上,安娜戴上了墨镜并系好了安全带。本一开车她就又睡着了。 | Zài chē shàng, Ānnà dài shàngle mòjìng bìng xìhǎole ānquándài. Běn yì kāichē tā jiù yòu shuìzhele. | In the car, Anna puts on her sunglasses and fastens her seatbelt. She then falls asleep again while Ben drives. |
他们到达了森林的边缘并在那里停了车。直升机位于停车场尽头的大圆圈上。 | Tāmen dàodále sēnlín de biānyuán bìng zài nàlǐ tíngle chē. Zhíshēngjī wèiyú tíngchē chǎng jìntóu de dà yuánquān shàng. | They arrive at the edge of the forest and park there. A helicopter is located on a large circle at the end of the parking. |
安娜担心这次远足自己是否足够健壮。 | Ānnà dānxīn zhè cì yuǎnzú zìjǐ shìfǒu zúgòu jiànzhuàng. | Anna is worried whether she is fit enough for the hike. |
“别担心!这里的南部有一些小山丘。它们并不陡峭,任何人都可以爬。山顶上的景色很棒。我带来了一个手电筒,我们可以探索这片地区的山洞。” | “Bié dānxīn! Zhèlǐ de nánbù yǒu yìxiē xiǎo shānqiū. Tāmen bìng bù dǒu qiào, rènhérén dōu kěyǐ pá. Shāndǐng shàng de jǐngsè hěn bàng. Wǒ dàiláile yígè shǒudiàntǒng, wǒmen kěyǐ tànsuǒ zhè piàn dìqū de shāndòng.” | “Don’t worry! There are some small hills south of here. They are not steep, anyone can climb them. The view from the peak is great. I have brought a pocket lamp and we can explore the caves in the area. ” |
他们通过树木之间的缝隙看到了一个带有“禁止捕鱼”标志的湖泊。但是就在对面,有一个人正坐在煤气炉旁的岩石上烤鱼。 | Tāmen tōngguò shùmù zhījiān de fèngxì kàndàole yígè dài yǒu “jìnzhǐ bǔ yú” biāozhì de húbó. Dànshì jiù zài duìmiàn, yǒu yígèrén zhèng zuò zài méiqì lú páng de yánshí shàng kǎo yú. | They see a lake with a ‘no fishing’ sign through a gap in the trees. But on the opposite side, a man sits on a rock next to a gas stove and grills a fish. |
安娜看到了一只蜘蛛。她因此摔了一跤,一下子摔倒在屁股上,而且在岩石上磕破了膝盖。本在她旁边跪了下来。 | Ānnà kàndàole yì zhǐ zhīzhū. Tā yīncǐ shuāile yì jiāo, yíxià zi shuāi dǎo zài pìgu shàng, érqiě zài yánshí shàng kē pòle xīgài. Běn zài tā pángbiān guìle xiàlái. | Anna sees a spider. She falls down, lands on her bottom and cuts her knee on a rock. Ben kneels next to her. |
“疼吗?”本问她。他的声音里稍稍有些紧张。 | “Téng ma?” Běn wèn tā. Tā de shēngyīn li shāoshāo yǒuxiē jǐnzhāng. | “Does it hurt?” Ben asks. He has a slight nervousness in his voice. |
“不,但是我的心跳得好快啊。我们离悬崖这么近。” | “Bù, dànshì wǒ de xīn tiào de hǎo kuài a. Wǒmen lí xuányá zhème jìn.” | “No, but my heart is beating fast. We are so close to the cliff.” |
“是的,在这里摔倒可不是一个高明的主意。” | “Shì de, zài zhèlǐ shuāidǎo kě búshì yígè gāomíng de zhǔyì.” | “Yes, falling here wasn’t your most brilliant idea.” |
他从背包中拿出了绷带,包在她的脚踝上。 | Tā cóng bèibāo zhōng ná chūle bēngdài, bāo zài tā de jiǎohuái shàng. | He takes a bandage from his rucksack and wraps it around her ankle. |
“放松一下,一切都会好起来的。你可以自己起来还是我应该帮你一把?我们离悬崖这么近真的很危险,小心不要滑倒。” | “Fàngsōng yíxià, yíqiè dōu huì hǎo qǐlái de. Nǐ kěyǐ zìjǐ qǐlái háishì wǒ yīnggāi bāng nǐ yíbǎ? Wǒmen lí xuányá zhème jìn zhēn de hěn wéixiǎn, xiǎoxīn búyào huádǎo.” | “Just relax, everything will be fine. Can you get up on your own or should I give you a hand? We are really dangerously close to the cliff here, be careful to not slip.” |
“你可以营救我吗?”安娜对本开玩笑地说。他把她拽了起来。她靠在他的身上,并且试试看自己是否还能走路。她的脚踝扭伤了,而且肿了起来,但她还可以走路。 | “Nǐ kěyǐ yíngjiù wǒ ma?” Ānnà duì Běn kāiwánxiào de shuō, tā bǎ tā zhuāileqǐlái. Tā kàozài tā shēn shang, bìngqiě shì shìzhekàn zìjǐ shìfǒu hái néng zǒulù. Tā de jiǎohuái niǔshāngle, érqiě zhǒngle qǐlái, dàn tā hái kěyǐ zǒulù. | “You could rescue me?” Anna teases Ben and he lifts her up. She leans on him and tries out whether she can walk. Her ankle is strained and swollen but she can walk. |
本拿了一块木头给安娜,这样她就可以把它当作拐棍。 | Běn nále yí kuài mùtou gěi Ānnà, zhèyàng tā jiù kěyǐ bǎ tā dàng zuò guǎigùn. | Ben takes a piece of wood and gives it to Anna so that she can use it as a walking stick. |
当他们回到车那里时,看到他们的挡风玻璃坏了。有一个树杈掉到了他们的车上,而且把车子的油漆也损坏了。 | Dāng tāmen huídào chē nàlǐ shí, kàndào tāmen de dǎngfēngbōlí huàile. Yǒu yígè shùchā diàodàole tāmen de chē shàng, érqiě bǎ chēzi de yóuqī yě sǔnhuàile. | When they get back to the car the windscreen is broken. A branch has fallen onto their car and has also damaged the paint. |
“但愿咱们的保险能为此付钱。这损害程度应该算是大面积的了。” | “Dànyuàn zánmen de bǎoxiǎn néng wéi cǐ fù qián. Zhè sǔnhài chéngdù yīnggāi suànshì dà miànjī dele.” | “Hopefully the insurance will pay for this. The extent of the damage is extensive.” |
本愤怒地看着汽车。 | Běn fènnù de kànzhe qìchē. | Ben looks furiously at the car. |
“我不应该把车停在这棵树下。它上面有一些枯死的树枝。我做了一个很坏的判断。” | “Wǒ bú yìnggāi bǎ chē tíng zài zhè kē shù xià. Tā shàngmiàn yǒu yìxiē kūsǐ de shùzhī. Wǒ zuòle yígè hěn huài de pàndu àn.” | “I should not have parked beneath the tree. It has some dead branches. That was bad judgment.” |
“你并没有过错。这经常发生,即使在郊区也一样。” | “Nǐ bìng méi yǒu guòcuò. Zhè jīngcháng fāshēng, jíshǐ zài jiāoqū yě yíyàng.” | “You are not at fault. This happens all the time and even on the outskirts of the city.” |
“现在这样真是麻烦。我应该把它升级为一个新的型号。再说,挡风玻璃的修理不是那么直截了当的。这得要全部更换掉。” | “Xiànzài zhèyàng zhēnshi máfan. Wǒ yīnggāi bǎ tā shēngjí wéi yígè xīn de xínghào. Zàishuō, dǎngfēngbōlí de xiūlǐ bùshì nàme zhíjiéliǎodāng de. Zhè dě yào quánbù gēnghuàn diào.” | “It is just very inconvenient right now, I could have done the upgrade to the new model. Moreover, repairing the windscreen is not that straightforward. It needs to be completely replaced.” |