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B3 假期

B3 假期

B3 Jiàqī

B3 The Holiday


Běn hé Ānnà zǎoshang zuò zài chúfáng lǐ. Zài Běn de miànqián yǒu yì bēi kāfēi hé yì wǎn màipiàn. Ānnà chīzhe shuǐguǒ suānnǎi hé yǒu guǒjiàng de kǎomiànbāo.

Ben and Anna are sitting in the kitchen in the morning. Ben has a mug of coffee and cereals in front of him. Anna eats a yoghurt with fruits and toast with jam.


Tāmen zhèngzài tǎolùn tāmen de xià yígè jiàqī. Xiànzài shì qiūtiān, tāmen zhèngzài jìhuàmǒugè dìfāng lǚyóu.

They are discussing their next holiday. It is autumn and they are planning to go somewhere.


“Lùyíng zěnme yàng? Xiànzài zhège shíhòu yīnggāi huì tǐng shūfu de. Hái bú tài lěng. Nǐ yǐqián cóngwèi lùyíngguò, duì ba? Wǒmen huì wán de hěn kāixīn de!”

“How about camping? That would be quite pleasant now, it is not too cold yet. You have never camped before, right? We will have fun!”


“Nǐ zěnme xiǎng lùyíng xiǎng de zhème lìhài a? Rúguǒ nǐ zhēn de xiǎng fēngle, nǐ kěyǐ gēn nǐ de biǎomèi huò nǐ de péngyǒu qù, dàn bié gēn wǒ qù! Wǒ dùjià de shíhòu xiǎng yào néng zài jiǔdiàn lǐ xǐ gè zǎo. Wǒ búyào mǎn shì chóngzi de zhàngpéng.”

“How can you want this so badly? If you are so crazy about it, you can go with your cousin or your friends, but not with me! I want to have a shower in a hotel when I am on holiday. I don’t want a tent full of bugs.”


“Hǎo ba, nà nǐ xiǎng zuò shénme? Gēnzhe dǎoyóu, kànkàn zhèn shàng de měi zuò dà jiàotáng, qīngzhēnsì hé jiàotáng?”

“Well, what do you want to do then? Follow a tour guide and look at every cathedral, mosque and church in town?”

“当然不是!我们可以去一个晴朗的岛上,去冲浪或开船!也许去骑自行车?或者我们可以在冬天去山上然后去单板滑雪或双板滑雪。 ”

Dāngrán búshì! Wǒmen kěyǐ qù yígè qínglǎng de dǎo shàng, qù chōnglàng huò kāichuán! Yěxǔ qù qízìxíngchē? Huòzhě wǒmen kěyǐ zài dōngtiān qù shānshàng ránhòu qù dānbǎn huáxuě huò shuāngbǎn huáxuě. ”

“Of course not! We could go to a sunny island and go surfing or sailing there! Maybe some cycling? Or we could go to the mountains in winter and could go snowboarding or skiing there.”


Zhège zhǔyì mǎshàng ràng Běn kāixīn qǐlái. Tā xǐhuān huáxuě.

Ben is immediately pleased with the idea. He loves to ski.


“Wǒ kěyǐ dài shàngzìjǐ de huáxuěbǎn. Rúguǒ nǐ xǐhuān dehuà, wǒmen yě kěyǐ huábīng. Wǒ hěn xīwàng néng kàndào nǐ nàyàng zuò.”

“I could take my own ski with me. If you like we can also go ice skating. I would love to see you doing that.”


Tāmen chákànle yì xiē wǎngyè, bìngqiě diǎnkāile bùtóng lǚxíngshè de guǎnggào lái kàn.

They look at some web pages and click through the ads from different travel agencies.


“Nǐ kàn zhège yōuhuì dǎ de zhékòu hěnduō. Yī yuè de shì bànjià.”

“Look at this offer with the big discount - it is at half price in January.”


“Ń, zuò huǒchē háishì fēijī?”

“Hmm, by train or by airplane?”


“Wǒmen bìxū zìjǐ ānpái qù jīchǎng de lùchéng, ér dōngtiānshí wǒmen kěnéng huì yùdào jiāotōng wèntí. Rúguǒ xià xuě, wǒmen zài chē de shíhòu jiāng xūyào tèshū de lúntāi.”

“We would have to organise the transfer from the airport ourselves and we could have problems with traffic in winter. If there is snow we will need special tyres when we rent a car.”


“Wǒmen hái bìxū chákàn wǒ de jiàshǐ zhízhào zài nàlǐ shìfǒu yǒuxiào. Tiělù shì zuì róngyì de, huǒchēzhàn zài shì zhōngxīn de jí shì guǎngchǎng shàng. Wǒmen kěyǐ hěn róngyì de cóng nàlǐ zǒudào rènhé dìfāng.”

“We also have to see whether my driving licence is valid there. The railway is the easiest, as the train station is at the market square in the town centre. We could easily walk everywhere from there.”


Jiùshì! Wǒ xiǎng rúguǒ tiānqì hěn huài, zuò huǒchē huì gèng hǎo. Qìwēn dī de shíhòu, huǒchē de yùnxíng gèng kěkào.”

“Exactly! I suppose the train will be better if the weather is bad. They work much more reliably at low temperatures.”


“Wǒ tóngyì! Wǒmen bìxū zài dǎzhé shí yùdìng. Cǐhòu, měi wǎn de jiàgé huì gèng gāo.”

“I agree with you! We have to book while the hotel is still on sale. Thereafter the price per night is higher.”


“Wǒmen yào xiànzài yùdìng ma?”

“Shall we book now?”


“Bù, wǒ yào xiān qǐng jià. Wǒ bìxū dédào lǎobǎn duì wǒ xiūxí shíjiān de pīzhǔn.”

“No, I have to request holidays first. My boss has to approve my time off.”


“Nǐ xiànzài kěyǐ gěi tā dǎ diànhuà ma? Wǒ rènwéi zhè jǐ tiān zhèxiē yōuhuì huì hěn shòu huānyíng.”

“Can you call him now? I think the offer is popular these days.”


“Duì tā láishuō, gōngsī shì dì yī wèi de. Rúguǒ wǒ zài xīngqītiān gěi tā dǎ diànhuà, tā kěnéng huì shēngqì de.”

“For him the company comes first. He may get angry if I phone him on a Sunday.”


“Hǎo ba, nà nǐ míngtiān gàosù wǒ.”

“Ok, then let me know tomorrow.”


Ānnà zhàn qǐlái, qīnle yíxià Běn, ránhòu qù shìchǎngle.

Anna gets up and kisses Ben before she goes to the market.


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