B5 动物园 | B5 Dòngwùyuán | B5 The Zoo |
克里斯学校的校长为八到十三岁的学童组织了一日游。他们去了三十公里外的动物园。他们的生物和历史老师已经在公交车站等着他们了。对于四十个为走出教室而高兴的学生来说,这是一次探险。 | Kèlǐsī xuéxiào de xiàozhǎng wèi bā dào shísān suì de xuétóng zǔzhīle yí rìyóu. Tāmen qùle sānshí gōnglǐ wài de dòngwùyuán. Tāmen de shēngwù hé lìshǐ lǎoshī yǐjīng zài gōngjiāochēzhàn děngzhe tāmenle. Duìyú sìshí gè wèi zǒuchū jiàoshì ér gāoxìng de xuéshēng láishuō, zhè shì yí cì tànxiǎn. | The headteacher at Chris' school has organised a day trip for the schoolchildren aged eight to thirteen. They go to a zoo which is thirty kilometres away. Their biology and history teachers are already waiting for them at the bus stop. It is an adventure for the forty pupils who are happy to not be in their classroom. |
老师在单子上给每个孩子的名字打勾。早上有很大的雾。但现在雾已经没了,只是有些多云。 | Lǎoshī zài dānzi shàng gěi měi gè háizi de míngzì dǎ gōu. Zǎoshang yǒu hěn dà de wù, dàn xiànzài wù yǐjīng méile zhǐshì yǒu xiē duōyún. | The teachers tick off the name of each child on their list. It was very foggy, but now the fog is gone and it's only a bit cloudy. |
他们到了动物园的停车场。老师们给了工作人员一个信封。里面是他们的票。 | Tāmen dàole dòngwùyuán de tíngchēchǎng. Lǎoshīmen gěile gōngzuò rényuán yígè xìnfēng. Lǐmian shì tāmen de piào. | They arrive at the car park of the zoo. The teachers give the salesperson an envelope with their tickets. |
孩子们看了熊,大象,猴子,狮子,老虎和长颈鹿。然后他们去看了很多笼子里的鸟。克里斯很喜欢那只大鹰。 | Háizimen kànle xióng, dàxiàng, hóuzi, shīzi, lǎohǔ hé chángjǐnglù. Ránhòu tāmen qù kànle hěnduō lóngzi lǐ de niǎo. Kèlǐsī hěn xǐhuān nà zhǐ dà yīng. | The kids see the bears, elephants, monkeys, lions, tigers and giraffes. Then they go to the bird cages and Chris likes the large eagle. |
在午餐时间,孩子们想要一些零食。那里有一家小餐厅。提供的菜有点心和意大利面。老师点了有奶油,蘑菇和洋葱酱的意大利面。餐厅里没有其他顾客。主厨来到了他们的桌子旁和他们聊天。 | Zài wǔcān shíjiān, háizimen xiǎng yào yìxiē língshí. Nàlǐ yǒu yì jiā xiǎo cāntīng, tígōng de cài yǒu diǎnxīn hé yìdàlì miàn. Lǎoshī diǎnle yǒu nǎiyóu, mógū hé yángcōng jiàng de yìdàlì miàn. Cāntīng lǐ méiyǒu qítā gùkè. Zhǔchú láidàole tāmen de zhuōzi páng hé tāmen liáotiān. | At lunchtime, the children want some snacks. There is a little restaurant which offers refreshments and pasta dishes. The teachers order pasta with cream, mushroom and onion sauce. There are no other customers in the restaurant and the chef comes over to their table for a chat. |
“今天餐厅很空,但在周末,我们每小时上九十道菜。我每天都卖几公斤的牛排。” | “Jīntiān cāntīng hěn kōng, dàn zài zhōumò, wǒmen měi xiǎoshí shàng jiǔshí d ào cài. Wǒ měitiān dōu mài jǐ gōngjīn de niúpái.” | “Today the restaurant is empty, but on the weekends we are serving ninety meals per hour. I sell several kilos of steak every day.” |
午餐后,孩子们在操场上玩儿。 | Wǔcàn hòu, háizimen zài cāochǎng shàng wánr. | After lunch, the children play at the playground. |
然后他们去了动物园的另一部分。他们抚摸了一些小动物,比如小马和兔子。有一个动物园的饲养员告诉他们在靠近动物时要保持安静。 | Ránhòu tāmen qùle dòngwùyuán de lìng yíbùfèn. Tāmen fǔmōle yì xiē xiǎo dòngwù, bǐrú xiǎomǎ hé tùzǐ. Yǒu yígè dòngwùyuán de sìyǎng yuán gàosù tāmen zài kàojìn dòngwù shí yào bǎochí ānjìng. | Then they go to another part of the zoo to pet the smaller animals, such as ponies and rabbits. A zoo keeper tells them to keep quiet close to the animals. |
几个女孩儿得到了可以骑驴的准许。其中一个女孩儿摔了下来,摔进了土里。 | Jǐ gè nǚháir dédàole kěyǐ qí lǘ de zhǔnxǔ. Qízhōng yígè nǚháir shuāile xiàlái, shuāi jìnle tǔ lǐ. | A couple of girls have asked for permission to ride on a donkey. One of the girls falls down into the dirt. |
一段时间后,老师告诉他们: | Yíduàn shíjiān hòu, lǎoshī gàosù tāmen: | After some time, the teacher tells them: |
“天越来越晚了,恐怕我们得直接回车上了。司机已经在方向盘后面坐好了。如果他现在不把车开走,可能会被罚款 的。” | “Tiān yuè lái yuè wǎnle, kǒngpà wǒmen dě zhíjiē huí chē shàngle. Sījī yǐjīng zài fāngxiàngpán hòumian zuò hǎole. Rúguǒ tā xiànzài bù bǎ chē kāi zǒu, kěnéng huì bèi fákuǎn de.” | “I am afraid we have to go directly to the bus, it is getting late. The driver is already behind the wheel and might get a fine if he doesn’t depart now.” |