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B7 邀请

B7 邀请

B7 Yāoqǐng

B7 The Invitation


Ānnà de zǔfùmǔ yǐjīng jiéhūn wǔshí niánle. Tāmen xiǎngyào qìngzhù zhège jìniànrì. Suǒyǐ yāoqǐngle quán jiārén. Ānnà hé Běn shì chéng dìtiě lái de. Ānnà yǐjīng mǎihǎole yì fú huà zuòwéi lǐwù. Ānnà de zǔmǔ gěi tāmen kāi de mén.

Anna's grandparents have been married for fifty years and celebrate their anniversary. The whole family is invited. Anna and Ben take the underground. Anna has bought a painting as a present for them. Anna’s grandmother answers the door.


Gōngxǐ, nǎinai! Jiéhūn jìniànrì kuàilè! Yéyé zài nǎlǐ?”

“Congratulations, Grandma! Happy anniversary! Where is grandpa?”


“Tā zài lǐmian. Nǐ de gūgūshūshu yǐjīng zài zhèlǐle.”

“He is inside. Your aunt and uncle are already here.”


Tāmen dōu zǒu jìnle chúfáng.

They all go into the kitchen.


“Ó, wǒ de sūnnǚ hé wǒ wèilái sūnnǚxù, nǐmen láile! Dāyìng wǒ, nǐmen huì jīngcháng lái kàn wǒmen de. Qùnián nǐ zhǐ láiguò liǎng cì. Wǒmen xīwàng néng gèng duō de kàndào sūnzǐ sūnnǚmen.”

“Oh, my granddaughter and my future grandson, you are here! Promise me you come see us more often. You only came twice last year. We want to see our grandchildren more.”


“Shì de, yéyé, wǒ bǎozhèng. Wǒ xiànzài yǒu gèng duō de yèyú shíjiānle. Shàng zhōu wǒ tōngguòle kǎoshì. Shuō qǐlái, nín hái bìngzhe ne, shì ma? Nín dě zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ. Nín de jiànkāng hěn zhòngyào.”

“Yes, grandpa, I promise. I have more spare time now. I passed my exams last week. By the way, are you still ill? You have to take care of yourself. Your health is important.”


“Wǒ hěn hǎo. Zhǐshì wǒ de dùzi yǒudiǎn wèntí. Bù wéixiǎn.”

“I am well, it was just my stomach. It was not dangerous.”


Ānnà zài étóu shàng gěile tā yígè wěn.

Anna gives him a kiss on the forehead. 


“Wǒ zhǐ xīwàng nǐ néng xiǎoxīn yìxiē. Nǐ qùnián bèi shàng de máobìng kěnéng huì zàicì èhuà de. Wǒ zhīdào nǐ zǒngshì xǐhuān zuò zài túshūguǎn de shūjià jiān, dàn nǐ yě xūyào duō huódòng huódòng.”

“I just want you to be careful. Your back problem from last year can get worse again. I know how much you like to sit in the library between bookshelves, but you also need a little bit of activity.”


“Wǒ měitiān dōu yào zài wǒmen jiā fùjìn de xiǎolùshàng sànbù, yìzhí zǒudào huánxíng jiāochā lùkǒu. Dàn wǒ yǐjīng lǎole érqiě hěn kuài jiù huì biàn lóng biàn xiā de. Zhè shì méi bànfǎ zǔzhǐ de.”

“I walk on the path near our house every day - all the way to the roundabout. But I am already old and getting deaf and blind. Nothing can stop it.”


“Búyào nàme shuō! Nǐ shi zhèyàng yígè fēitóng xúncháng de yéyé, érqiě nǐ jīhū méiyǒu shēngguò bìng. Nǐ kěndìng huì huóguò jiǔshí suì de.”

“Don’t say that! You are such a fantastic grandpa and you are hardly ever sick. For sure you will be over 90 soon.”


Ānnà de zǔmǔ zǒu jìn chúfáng, bìngqiě gěile Ānnà cǎisè de máoyī hé wàzi.

Anna’s grandmother comes into the kitchen and gives Anna colourful pullovers and socks.


“Wǒ yòngle hěn de yángmáo, zhèyàng tāmen jiù bú huì tài zhòngle.”

“I used very thin wool so that they are not too heavy.”


“Nǎinai! Nǐ bù yìnggāi zǒngshì gěi wǒ lǐwù! Xièxie!”

“Grandma! You shouldn’t always give me gifts! Thank you!”


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