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B8 晚餐

B8 晚餐

B8 Wǎncān

 B8 The Dinner


Suǒfēiyà zhèngzài tā de xīn gōngyù lǐ jǔbàn pàiduì.

Sophia is giving a party in her new apartment.


“Huānyíng láidào wǒ de xīn jiā! Wǒ hěn gāoxìng dàjiā néng lái. Wǒ wéi dàjiā dǎkāile zhè píng xiāngbīn.”

“Welcome to my new home! I am glad everybody could come. I have opened a bottle of champagne for us.”


“Wa, zhè jiù xiàng yīgè jīwěijiǔ zhāodài huì. Nǐ shì wǒ zuì xǐhuān de nǚ zhǔrénle.”

“Wow, It’s like a cocktail reception. You are my favourite host.”


“Xièxie! Wǒ xīwàng nǐ huì xǐhuān jīntiān de wǎncān. Qiáncài, wǒ zuòle  yángròu hé qiézi. Zhǔcài shì kǎoyā.”

“Thanks! I hope you will like the dinner. As a starter, I have made spicy lamb with aubergines and grilled duck for the main course.”


Ānnà wéixiàozhe shuō:“Nǐ de xīn gōngyù zhēn piàoliang.”

Anna smiles and says: “Your new flat is so pretty.”


“Xièxie! Zhèlǐ yǐjīng mànman de yǒule jiā de gǎnjuéle.”

“Thank you! It slowly starts to feel like home.”


“Nǐ zài nǎlǐ zhǎodào de zhège mùtou yìshù zuòpǐn a?”

“Where did you find this wooden art piece?”

“这不是哪个知名的艺术家画的。这个画家和我的父母经常一起打高尔夫球。他只是把这作为一种爱好。另一个墙上的素描也是他画的 。”

“Zhè búshì nǎge zhīmíng de yìshùjiā huà de. Zhège huàjiā hé wǒ de fùmǔ jīngcháng yìqǐ dǎ gāo'ěrfū qiú. Tā zhǐshì bǎ zhè zuòwéi yì zhǒng àihào. Lìng yīgè qiángshàng de sùmiáo yě shì tā huà de.”

“It is not from a well-known artist. The painter plays golf with my parents. He only does this as a hobby. He also did the drawing on the other wall.”


“Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu tián de níngméng shuǐ? Jīnwǎn wǒ háishì bù yào hē jiǔ bā.”

“Do you have some sweet lemonade for me? I prefer not to drink alcohol tonight.”


“Yǒu. Méi wèntí. Wǒ yǒu jiǔjīng yǐnliào, dàn yě yǒu gè zhǒng qìshuǐ, bǐrú kělè.”

“Yes, no problem! I have alcoholic drinks but all kinds of soft drinks too, cola for example.”


“Tài hǎole, xièxie!”

“Great, thank you!”


“Wǒ yòng  hé dàsuàn yóu zuòle húluóbo shālā. Nǐ zhǐ xūyào jiā yìdiǎn yán, yào bú jiù méiyǒu wèidào. Wǒ jiā lǐ méiyǒu yánle.”

“I made a carrot salad with vinegar and garlic oil. You just have to salt it a bit, else it will be tasteless. I did not have any salt at home.”


“Xièxie! Wǒ yǒu jǐ piàn xīnxiān de miànbāo kěyǐ hé tā yìqǐ chī.”

“Thank you! I have slices of fresh bread we can eat with it.”


“Zhèlǐ de jǐngsè zhēn bàng! Zhēn de zhǐ néng kàndào tiānkōng. Érqiě zhè tiānhuābǎn kě zhēn gāo a.”

“The view is amazing, you really only see the sky. And the ceiling is so high.”


Shì de, zhèlǐ de jǐngsè bàngjíle, yóuqí shì xiàng dōng. Zhǐyào tiānshàng méiyǒu yún, nǐ shènzhì kěyǐ kàndào shì zhōngxīn. Mǎkè duì néng bǎ zìjǐ de mótuōchē fàng zài zhèlǐ de chēkù gǎndào hěn gāoxìng. Tā hái mǎile yì tái dà píngmù de diànshì, zhǐshì nàgè yángshēngqì duì wǒ láishuō tài dàshēngle. Érqiě yǒushí wǒ huì juéde zìjǐ xiàng gè qīngjiégōng.”

“Yes, the view is brilliant, especially towards the east. As long as there are no clouds in the sky you can even see the town centre. Marc is happy about the garage, he can put his motorbike there. He also bought a TV with a big screen, only the speakers are too loud for me. And I sometimes feel like the cleaner.”


“Zhǐ ràng nǐ fùzé qīngjié shì bù gōngpíng de.”

“It is not fair that you are responsible for the cleaning.”


“Wǒ hái zài dàxué lǐ de shíhòu, wǒmen jiù shuōhǎole, yóu tā lái chéngdān gèng duō de huāfèi. Wǒ zài wàimian zhǎodào gōngzuò hòu, wǒ zàijiā de qīngjié gōngzuò jiù kěyǐ jǐnkuài jiéshùle. Wǒ tǎoyàn huīchén.”

“We agreed that he covers more of the cost while I am still at uni. This will end as soon as possible when I get a job. I hate dust.”


“Nǐ búyào wèi cǐ gǎndào nánguò. Nǐmen kěyǐ zhèyàng hùxiāng bāngzhù, shì nǐmen de yùnqì.”

“Do not feel bad about this. You have the luck that you can help one another like this.”


“Shì de, Mǎkè zhēn de hěn kāngkǎi. Tā zuò quánzhí kuàijìshī. Gōngzuò hòu hěn shǎo yǒu zúgòu de jīnglì qù zuò bié de dōngxī.”

“Yes and Marc is really very generous. He works full-time as an accountant and rarely has enough energy to do something after work.”


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