C10 小屋 | C10 Xiǎowū | C10 The Cottage |
安娜和索菲娅已经通过了考试,并且在为她们的夏季做计划。他们在旅行社里看过了不同的海边度假地,但是现在她们改变了主意。旅行的价格很合理且为游客们准备了可靠的交通工具,但酒店却都是混凝土做的高塔。 | Ānnà hé Suǒfēiyà yǐjīng tōngguòle kǎoshì, bìngqiě zài wèi tāmen de xià jì zuò jìhuà. Tāmen zài lǚxíngshè lǐ kànguòle bùtóng de hǎibiān dùjià dì, dànshì xiànzài tāmen gǎibiànle zhúyi. Lǚxíng de jiàgé hěn hélǐ qiě wèi yóukèmen zhǔnbèile kěkào de jiāotōng gōngjù, dàn jiǔdiàn què dōu shì hùnníngtǔ zuò de gāo tǎ. | Anna and Sophia have passed their exams and are planning the summer season. They have been to the travel agent's and looked at different seaside resorts but they have now had a change of mind. The prices of the trips were reasonable and there is reliable transport for tourists, but the hotels are concrete towers. |
安娜和索菲娅梦想着大自然的美和脚下的沙子,并且非常想要与她们的城市生活完全相反的。她们的一个朋友在出租一个舒适且迷人的乡下小房子。它的租期有一个星期是有空的。她们行动迅速地租下了它。 | Ānnà hé Suǒfēiyà mèngxiǎngzhe dà zìrán dì měi hé jiǎo xià de shāzi, bìngqiě fēicháng xiǎng yào yǔ tāmen de chéngshì shēnghuó wánquán xiāngfǎn de. Tāmen de yígè péngyǒu zài chūzū yígè shūshì qiě mírén de xiāngxià xiǎo fángzi. Tā de zū qí yǒu yígè xīngqí de shì yǒukòng de. Tāmen xíngdòng xùnsù de zū xiàle tā. | Anna and Sophia dream of the beauty of nature and sand under their feet and want a real contrast to their urban life. One of their friends rents out a cosy and charming cottage. It is vacant for a week. They acted quickly and rented it. |
小屋周围的风景很宜人。她们可以从阳台上看到海洋上的日出和日落,并在晚上看月亮。 | Xiǎowū zhōuwéi de fēngjǐng hěn yírén. Tāmen kěyǐ cóng yángtái shàng kàndào hǎiyáng shàng de rìchū hé rìluò, bìng zài wǎnshàng kàn yuèliàng. | The scenery around the cottage is delightful. They can see the sunrise and sunset over the ocean from their balcony and watch the moon at night. |
今天轻风徐徐,是很美好的一天。索菲娅正在沙质海岸边做运动。她穿着短裤和条纹衬衫,看上去像个水手。 | Jīntiān qīng fēng xúxú, shì hěn měihǎo de yì tiān. Suǒfēiyà zhèngzài shā zhì hǎi'àn biān zuò yùndòng. Tā chuānzhe duǎnkù hé tiáowén chènshān, kàn shàngqù xiàng gè shuǐshǒu. | Today is a fine day with a light breeze. Sophia is doing her workout on the sandy shore. She is dressed in shorts and a shirt with stripes, and looks like a sailor. |
安娜在海滩上陪着她,吃着又甜又多汁的草莓坐在阴凉处。她一开始没注意到蚂蚁已经爬上了她的腿,现在这感觉让她很讨厌。她在皮肤上涂了一层乳霜,穿上了一条棉的裤子,以保护自己免受蚂蚁新的攻击。 | Ānnà zài hǎitān shàng péizhe tā, chīzhe yòu tián yòu duōzhī de cǎoméi zuò zài yīnliángchù. Tā yì kāishǐ méi zhùyìdào mǎyǐ yǐjīng pá shàngle tā de tuǐ, xiànzài zhè gǎnjué ràng tā hěn tǎoyàn. Tā zài pífū shàng túle yì céng rǔshuāng, chuān shàngle yìtiáo mián de kùzi, yǐ bǎohù zìjǐ miǎn shòu mǎyǐ xīn de gōngjī. | Anna has accompanied her to the beach and eats sweet and juicy strawberries in the shade. At first, she does not notice the ants which crawl onto her leg and annoy her. She applies a cream to her skin and puts on a pair of cotton pants to protect herself from a new ant attack. |
她冲索菲娅的方向大声叫道。 | Tā chòng Suǒfēiyà de fāngxiàng dàshēng jiàodào. | She calls out loudly in Sophia’s direction. |
“嘿,让我们现在享受日光浴吧。等一会儿天气更凉一点的时候,我们可以去骑自行车。那会比在热温中更让人享受。” | “Hèi, ràng wǒmen xiànzài xiǎngshòu rìguāngyù ba. Děng yìhuǐr tiānqì gèng liáng yìdiǎn de shíhòu, wǒmen kěyǐ qù qí zìxíngchē. Nà huì bǐ zài rèwēn zhōng gèng ràng rén xiǎngshòu.” | “Hey, let's sunbathe a bit now. Later, when it's cooler, we can do the bike tour. That'll be more enjoyable than in the heat.” |
索菲娅挥手向她走来。 | Suǒfēiyà huīshǒu xiàng tā zǒulái. | Sophia waves and comes over to her. |
“在户外待会儿真是太棒了,不是吗?这里的空气很新鲜。我们应该更频繁地出城来玩儿。” | “Zài hùwài dài huìr zhēn shi tài bàngle, bùshì ma? Zhèlǐ de kōngqì hěn xīnxiān. Wǒmen yīnggāi gèng pínfán de chūchéng lái wánr.” | “Isn’t it great to spend some time outdoors? The air is so fresh here. We should get out of town more frequently.” |
“说真话,我也想把这次旅行再重复一遍。也许在两周后?在下过几天雨后,现在的蚊子太多了。这是很让人不快的,而且真的很讨厌。” | “Shuō zhēn huà, wǒ yě xiǎng bǎ zhè cì lǚxíng zài chóngfù yíbiàn. Yěxǔ zài liǎng zhōu hòu? Zài xià guò jǐ tiān yǔ hòu, xiànzài de wénzi tài duōle. Zhè shì hěn ràng rén bùkuài de, érqiě zhēn de hěn tǎoyàn.” | “To be honest, I'd like to repeat it too. Maybe two weeks from now? After these rainy days, there are just too many mosquitos now. It's very unpleasant and a real nuisance.” |
“我用喷雾保护自己。” | “Wǒ yòng pēnwù bǎohù zìjǐ.” | “I protect myself with a spray.” |
“是的,可这气味真让人恶心,但如果要选择是气味还是被攻击一整夜,就很容易下决定了。” | “Shì de, kě zhè qìwèi zhēn ràng rén ěxīn, dàn rúguǒ yào xuǎnzé shì qìwèi háishì bèi gōngjí yì zhěng yè, jiù hěn róngyì xià juédìngle.” | “Yes, the smell is really disgusting, but if the choice is either the smell or being attacked all night, the decision is pretty easy.” |
索菲娅在房子前自拍。 | Suǒfēiyà zài fángzi qián zìpāi. | Sophia takes a selfie of them in front of the house. |
“这里的主人能允许我们留在这儿,肯定是非常好的人。” | “Zhèlǐ de zhǔrén néng yǔnxǔ wǒmen liú zài zhè'er, kěndìng shì fēicháng hǎo de rén.” | “It was definitely very nice of the owner to permit us to stay here.“ |
“在这里我真的感觉像在家一样。我现在明白了为什么我的父母退休后要到海边去生活。这里的气候真是好得不得了。” | “Zài zhèlǐ wǒ zhēn de gǎnjué xiàng zàijiā yí yàng. Wǒ xiànzài míngbáile wèishéme wǒ de fùmǔ tuìxiū hòu yàodào hǎibiān qù shēnghuó. Zhèlǐ de qìhòu zhēnshi hǎo dé bùdéliǎo.” | “I really feel at home here. I understand now why my parents want to retire at the coast. The climate here is extraordinary.” |
“你看过天气预报了吗?两周后又要下阵雨了。” | “Nǐ kànguò tiānqì yùbàole ma? Liǎng zhōu hòu yòu yào xià zhènyǔle.” | “Have you seen the weather forecast? In 2 weeks there'll be rain showers again.“ |
“我们应当把下周末的也预订下来。应该会很温暖舒适的,而且海湾这里应该会比较干。” | “Wǒmen yīngdāng bǎ xià zhōumò de yě yùdìng xiàlái. Yīnggāi huì hěn wēnnuǎn shūshì de, érqiě hǎiwān zhèlǐ yìnggāi huì bǐjiào gàn.” | “We ought to make a reservation for next weekend. It should be pleasantly warm and dry here at the bay.” |