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C12 Huǒ

C12 The Fire


Láolā zhèngzài wèi xiǎo zhèn de xià yì kān bàozhǐ bàodào yígè xiǎoxué de huǒzāi. Zhè jiàn shì chéngwéi,  qùnián zhìyuàn zhě zài mǎtóu fǎxiàn zìshā gōngrén hòu, xiǎo zhèn zhōng zuìdà de hōngdòng.

Laura is reporting on a fire in a primary school for the next issue of the town journal.Since the suicide of a dock worker whose body was discovered by a volunteer last year, this is the biggest sensation in town.


Yíyè zhījiān, xuéxiào yùndòng zhōngxīn qǐle huǒ. Xiànzài, jiànzhú wù de zhèngmiàn hé yánshēn bùfèn shòudàole yánzhòng pòhuài.

There was a fire in the sports centre of the school overnight. Now, there is severe damage to the front and to the extension of the building.


Láolā dào nàlǐ shí, píbèi de xiāofáng yuán men jiù zài xiànchǎng. Tāmen kàn shàng qù xiàng shì zhàn dí shìbīng. Tā guòqù hé zhèngzài bǎ tīzi fàng huí kǎchē shàng de duì zhǎng shuōhuà.

When Laura arrives, exhausted firefighters are on site when Laura arrives. They look like soldiers in a war zone. She speaks to the team leader who is just putting a ladder back into the van.


“Zháohuǒ de qǐyīn háishì wèizhī de ma?” Wǒ yǐjīng tīng shuōle yìxiē cāicè.”  

“Is the cause of the fire still unknown? I've heard some speculation.”


“Wǒmen zhīdào zhè huǒ shì cóng yùndòngyuán bùmén kāishǐ de. Zuó wǎn yǒu yì chǎng quánjí bǐsài. Běndì de yì míng qīngnián yíngdéle guànjūn. Zài tā yíngdéle shènglì hòu, tā de zhīchízhěmen zài gébì de dàtīng lǐ jǔxíngle jùhuì. Wǒmen de tuīcè shì, dàhuǒ shì zài dàhuǒr líkāi hòu cái kāishǐ de.”  

"We know that it started in the athletics department. There was a boxing match last night. The local youth champion won. After his victory, his supporters had a party in the hall next door. Our assumption is that, after everybody left, the fire started.”

“有没有可能是他们不小心用打火机造成了大火。 ”  

“Yǒu méi yǒu kěnéng shì tāmen bù xiǎoxīn yòng dǎhuǒjī zàochéngle dàhuǒ. ”  

“Could they have caused the flames with a lighter by accident?”


“Hái méiyǒu shìshí nénggòu biǎomíng. Gāi diàochá réng zài jìnxíng. Xiāofáng duì xūyào chōngfèn de pínggū zhè cì zāihài. Wǒ rènwéi yǒu kěnéng shì yīnwèi xīyānzhě.”

“Nothing indicates that. The inquiry is still taking place. The fire brigade has to fully assess the damage. I think that it probably was a smoker.”


Yùndòng jiàoliàn láile, shuō:“Wǒmen zuìjìn gēngxīnle wǒmen de néngliàng gōngyìng. Wǒmen xiè xiàle jiù diànlǎn, bìng ānzhuāngle xīn diànyuán chātóu. Wǒmen hái gēngxīnle shuǐ guǎn. Zhuāngxiū hòu mǎshàng jiù fāshēngle huǒzāi zhēnshi qíguài.”  

The sports coach comes over and says: “We recently got our energy supply updated. We removed old cables and installed new power plugs. We also updated the water pipes. That the fire occurred just after the renovation is strange.”


“Yěxǔ shì gōngrénmen de  zhuānyè huò cūxīn? Tāmen kànqǐlái kěkào ma?”   

“Maybe the workers have been unprofessional or careless? Did they seem trustworthy?”


“Shì de, tāmen sìhū hěn nénggàn. Wǒmen huì zhǎo chūlái shì yóu shéi fùzé de. Tāmen huì bèi chǔfá de. Xiǎngdào zhè jiàn shì tāmen méiyǒu hǎohǎo er zuò shì gòu kǒngbù de. Wǒmen xiǎngyào gěi xuéshēng hé yuángōng zuìdà de ānquán xìng. Jiànzhù gōngrénmen běn yìnggāi ànzhào zuìgāo de ānquán biāozhǔn lái zuò.”   

“Yes, they seemed competent. We will find out who is responsible for this. They will be punished. The thought that the work hasn't been done properly is scary. We wanted maximum security for our students and employees. The builders were supposed to do this according to the highest safety standards.”


“Hái yǒu qítā jiěshì ma?”  

“Could there be another explanation?”


Yǒuqù de shì, yǒu yígè zuó wǎn liù gǒu de rén, tīngdàole jiānjiàoshēng. Zhè ràng wǒmen gǎndào jīngyà, bìngqiě zhè kěnéng yǒu zhòngdà yìyì, yīnwèi tā qítā cānyù zhě de shuōfǎ xiāng máodùn. Qítā cānyùzhě de shuōfǎ shì jùhuì jiéshù hòu jiànzhùwù lǐ shì kōng de. Dànshì, zài shuō yícì, wǒmen zhǐshì zài zhèlǐ chuǎicè. Wǒmen bìxū děngdài bàogào.”    

“Interestingly, someone who walked their dog here last night heard screams. That surprised us. It might be of relevance because it contradicts the declarations of the other participants. They say the building was empty after the party. But, once again, we're all only speculating here. We have to wait for the report.”


“Nǐ shuō dé duì! Qǐng yuánliàng wǒ yǒuxiē xīnjí.”  

“You're right! Forgive me for being so impatient.”


Láolā gǎnjué cǎizàile shénme dōngxī shàng. Tā wān xià yāo bìng jiǎn qǐle nàgè wùpǐn. Yì kāishǐ, tā yǐwéi zhè zhǐshì lājī, dàn tā kànqǐlái hěn guài. Tā zhǐ yǒu jǐ háomǐ zhǎng, kànqǐlái xiàng xiàngjiāo, dànshì tā de biǎomiàn hěn yǒu guāngzé. Tā rènwéi zhè kěnéng shì yígè yǔ diàochá xiāngguān de zhèngjù. Tā jíshí de bǎ tā jiāo gěi yì míng jūnguān.

Laura steps on something. She bends down and picks up the item. At first, she thinks it is litter, but it looks weird. It is only some millimetres long and feels like rubber but has a shiny surface. She thinks that it might be relevant evidence for the investigation. She promptly hands it over to an officer.


“Wǒmen gǎnxiè měi yí gè tígōng qiánzài xiànsuǒ de rén. Jíshǐ yǒu de shìqíng kàn shàngqù wēibùzúdào, yě kěnéng huì yǒu zhù yú wǒmen jiějué zhège nántí. Xiànzài xuéshēng jiāzhǎngmen zìrán huì gǎndào hěn bú fàngxīn. Quèbǎo háizimen de píng'ān duìyú wǒmen láishuō yěshì yí jiàn shénshèng de shì. Kuàisù zhǎodào dá'àn shì wǒmen de zérèn. Wǒmen huì lìkè jiějué de. Rúguǒ néng dédào qítā diàochá de jiànjiě huì gèng hǎo, dànshì tāmen sìhū gèng xǐhuān fēnkāi jìnxíng. 

“We're grateful for every potential clue. Even something that seems insignificant could help us solve this puzzle. The parents feel understandably insecure at the moment. The well-being of their children is sacred for all of us. It is our duty to find a prompt answer. We'll resolve this in no time. It would be preferable if we had insights into the investigations of the others but they seem to prefer to work separately.


Wǒmen yǐjīng wèi cǐ fēnpèile nénggòu chíxù yì zhōu de gèng duō zīyuán. Rúguǒ bìyào, wǒmen huì yáncháng diàochá. Wǒmen yǐjīng zhǎodàole yìxiē hénjì, wǒmen de fēnxìshī mùqián zhèngzài shíshī cèshì. Diàochá de zhàng'ài zhī yī shì jīntiān zǎochén jìnxíng cèliáng shí yīyǎnghuàtàn réngrán piāngāo.”  

"We have allocated more resources to this for the duration of the week. If necessary, we can lengthen the investigation. We have found already some traces and our analysts are conducting tests at the moment. One obstacle in the investigation is the level of carbon monoxide, which was still elevated when we measured it this morning.”


“Rúguǒ wǒ de dúzhěmen yǒu jìnyíbù de xiāoxī, wǒ yě huì ràng tāmen mǎshàng gàosù nǐ..

“I will also ask our readers to inform you if they have further information.”


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