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C2 家庭主妇

C2 家庭主妇

C2 Jiātíng Zhǔfù

C2 The Housewife


Běn huídào jiā shí, Ānnà zhèngzài chúfáng lǐ. Tā zhèngzài cóng xǐwǎnjī zhōng qǔchū zhǔ guō, jiān guō  dāo chā, ránhòu fàng zài shuǐcáo lǐ .

When Ben comes home, Anna is in the kitchen . She is taking pots, pans and cutlery out of the dishwasher and then she puts them in the sink and washes them.


“ Hēi, zhè shì zěnme huí shì? Nǐ zhèyàng zuò shì wèile wánr ma?”  

“Hey, what's going on here? Are you doing this for fun?”


“ Wǒmen xūyào ràngrén xiūlǐ yíxià xǐwǎnjī. Tā gāngcái tíngle, érqiě hái mào yānle.”  

“We need to have the dishwasher repaired. It stopped working and smoke was coming out of it.”


“ Wǒ dǎ diànhuà gěi nǚfángdōng ba. Bìjìng, yīnggāi shì tā huò zhōngjiè lái zuò zhè jiàn shì.”  

“Let me call the landlady. After all, it's her or the agency who need to do this.”


“ Xièxiè, Běn! Zài cǐ qíjiān, wǒ huì xuǎn hǎo wǎncān de càipǔ.”  

“Thanks, Ben! Meanwhile, I'll look for a recipe for dinner.”


“ Nǐ zài shìchǎng shàng mǎile xiē shénme?”  

“What did you buy at the market?”


“ Wǒ mǎile yǒujī niúròu, báicài, xīhúlu, huángguā hé gǎnlǎn.”  

“I bought organic beef, cabbage, courgettes, cucumbers and olives.”


“ A, miàojíle! Jīnwǎn wǒmen kěyǐ zuò xīhúlu tāng ma?”  

“Ah, marvellous! Shall we make a courgette soup tonight?”

“是的,我要做起饭来了。你明天可以买面包吗? 我们没有面粉,否则我倒是想自己烤 。”  

“ Shì de, wǒ yào zuò fàn láile. Nǐ míngtiān kěyǐ mǎi miànbāo ma? Wǒmen méiyǒu miànfěn, fǒuzé wǒ dǎoshì xiǎng zìjǐ kǎo.”  

“Yes, I'll get started on that. Could you buy some bread tomorrow? We don't have flour, else I'd bake it myself.”


“ Wǒ yǐwéi nǐ hěn hèn zuò jiāwù ne?”  

“I thought you hated housework?”


“ Wǒ dúle yì piān wénzhāng, shì jiǎng rúhé zài jiālǐ chuàngzào hǎo de fēnwéi de. Ránhòu wǒ hěn lèyì de bǎ diànnǎo guānle, bìngqiě xiàdìng juéxīn qù zuò zánmen jīnwǎn de wǎncān. Wǒ běnlái néngchéng de, dànshì xǐwǎnjī bàozhàle.”   

“I read an article about how to create a nice atmosphere at home. Then I willingly turned off my computer  and decided to make dinner for us tonight. I would have pulled it off but then the dishwasher exploded.”


“ Ó, Ānnà, ràng wǒ gěi nǐ yígè yǒngbào. Wǒ yào xiàng nǐ dàoqiàn. Wǒ tiāntiān qǔxiào nǐ tǎoyàn zuò jiāwù, dàn wǒ hěn xǐhuān wǒmen de zhè zhǒng ānpái. Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎ jìn kěnéng duō de xiāngchǔ zuò wèi wǒmen de mùbiāo

“Oh Anna, let me embrace you. I want to apologise to you. Day after day I make fun of you for hating housework, but I do like our arrangement. We should both aim to be together as much as possible.

你还记得马克的亲戚吗?他的车昨天着火了,而且全烧完了。汽车完全被毁了,但他没有受伤,逃了出来 。 

Nǐ hái jìdé Mǎkè de qīnqi ma? Tā de chē zuótiān zháo huǒle, érqiě quán shāowán le. Qìchē wánquán bèi huǐle, dàn tā méiyǒu shòushāng, táole chūlái. 

Do you remember Marc’s relative? His car caught fire yesterday and burned out. The car was completely destroyed but he escaped unharmed.”


“ Wǒ jìdé tā, zhè shì zhēn gòu xiàrén de. Tā háishì nàme pàng ma? Wǒ hǎojǐ nián méi jiàndào tāle.”  

“I remember him, that's a truly frightening story. Is he still so fat? I haven't seen him for years.”


“ Shì de, tā háishì. Féipàng shì dāngjīn de yídà wèntí. Rénmen tài qīngshì zhège wèntíle. Érqiě zhè shì huì biàn dé wúfǎ kòngzhì zhǐshì yígè shíjiān wèntí

“Yes, he is! Obesity's a big crisis today. People take it too lightly. And it’s only a matter of time before it gets out of control.


Dāng wǒ hé wǒ de fùmǔ zài yóulún shàng shí, hěnduō rén dōu yǒuxiē chāozhòng, què réngrán zài chī.”  

"When I was on that cruise with my parents, a lot of people were already overweight, but kept eating all the time.”


Zhèng shì, chuánshàng de shíwù shì bāokuò zài piàojià lǐ de. Suǒyǐ měigèrén dōu búduàn de chīzhe, zhídào wǎnshàng tǎng dào chuángshàng. Tóngyàng de shìqíng yě fāshēng zài quán bāo shì jiǔdiàn zhōng. Tài shǎle.”  

“That’s it, the food on board is included in the fare and everybody eats steadily till they drop into bed at night. The same thing happens in all inclusive hotels. It’s so silly.


Dàduōshù rén dōu méiyǒu yìshidào jūnhéng yǐnshí de zhòngyào.”  

"Most people are unaware of how important a well-balanced diet is.”


“Shì de, dàn shíjì shang, yǒuxiē shāngpǐn xiànzài biàn dé guì dé lípǔ. Nǐ bìxū hěn fùyǒu cáinéng zhīfù dé qǐ. Wǒ jīntiān zài ròudiàn lǐ fùle nàme duō qián. Ránhòu wǒ yòu zài chāoshì de shōuyín tái nàlǐ jīngyà de fāxiàn zhèxiē guǒzi yǒu duō guì. Wǒ mǎi zhèxiē guǒzi shì wèile míngtiān zǎoshang fàng zài zánmen de jiānbing shàng.”  

“True, but in fact it also is ridiculous how expensive some goods have become. You need to be wealthy to afford them. I paid so much today at the butcher’s. Then at the checkout in the supermarket I was surprised about how expensive the berries were. I bought them for our pancakes tomorrow morning were.”


Gōngyèhuà shǐdé dàpī shíwù biàn dé piányíle, dànshì zhèxiē shíwù shì hěn nán dà liàng shēngchǎn de.”  

“Industrialisation has made the bulk of food so cheap, but there are some things which are hard to produce in big quantities.”


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