C5 在家 | C5 Zài Jiā | C5 At Home |
这个周末,安娜在她的父母家里。她的童年实际上都是在那里过的。她的父母最近刚得到了一只小猫,它现在正在妒忌地看着她这个陌生的访客。当安娜抚摸她的毛时,小猫开始以稳定的节奏咕噜咕噜叫。 | Zhège zhōumò, Ānnà zài tā de fùmǔ jiā lǐ. Tā de tóngnián shíjìshang dōu shì zài nàlǐ guò de. Tā de fùmǔ zuìjìn gāng dédàole yì zhī xiǎo māo, tā xiànzài zhèngzài dùjì de kànzhe tā zhège mòshēng de fǎngkè. Dāng Ānnà fǔmō tā de máo shí, xiǎo māo kāishǐ yǐ wěndìng de jiézòu gūlū gūlū jiào. | Anna is spending the weekend at her parents’ house. She spent practically her whole childhood there. Her parents just got a little kitten who is now jealously looking at this unfamiliar visitor. When Anna strokes its fur, the kitten starts purring in a steady rhythm. |
安娜刚刚和她的母亲在外面冰冷的空气中散过步,现在她们坐在壁炉前。她 们去了村子中间的喷泉。 | Ānnà gānggāng hé tā de mǔqīn zài wàimiàn bīnglěng de kōngqì zhòng sànguò bù, xiànzài tāmen zuò zài bìlú qián. Tāmen qùle cūnzi zhōngjiān de pēnquán. | Anna went for a walk with her mum after a walk in the freezing air outside and now they sit at the fireplace. They went to the fountain in the village centre. |
“我要打开你以前的房间里的加热器。在这种极度寒冷的情况下,集中供暖是不够的。” | “Wǒ yào dǎkāi nǐ yǐqián de fángjiān lǐ de jiārè qì. Zài zhè zhǒng jídù hánlěng de qíngkuàng xià, jízhōng gòngnuǎn shì bú gòu de.” | “I’ll switch on the heater in your old bedroom. In these extremely cold conditions the central heating won't be enough .” |
“是的,这真是出奇得冷啊,考虑到外面的阳光明明很好。我希望我明天能带上滑雪板开车去山上,但我仍然感到喉咙很痛。” | “Shì de, zhè zhēn shi chūqí de lěng a, kǎolǜdào wàimiàn de yángguāng míngmíng hěn hǎo. Wǒ xīwàng wǒ míngtiān néng dài shàng huáxuěbǎn kāichē qù shānshàng, dàn wǒ réngrán gǎndào hóulóng hěn tòng.” | “Yes, it's really surprisingly cold given the sunshine outside. I wish that I could take my snowboard tomorrow and drive into the mountains, but I'm still suffering from a sore throat.” |
“我以为你要把自己锁在房间里在这里学习?听起来你不太担心考试。” | “Wǒ yǐwéi nǐ yào bǎ zìjǐ de suǒ zài f ángjiān lǐ zài zhèlǐ xuéxí? Tīng qǐlái nǐ bú tài dānxīn kǎoshì. | “I thought you'd lock yourself in your room and study? It sounds like you're not very worried about the exam.” |
“大学里的教学非常好,课程结束后我总是立刻就和索菲娅一起复习。所以我可以在这里休息一下。” | "Dàxué lǐ de jiàoxué fēicháng hǎo, kèchéng jiéshù hòu wǒ zǒng shì lìkè jiù hé Suǒfēiyà yīqǐ fùxí. Suǒyǐ wǒ kěyǐ zài zhèlǐ xiūxí yíxià.” | “The teaching at uni is very good and after classes I always revise right away with Sophia. So I can take a bit of a break here." |
“学校对你们的帮助还可以吧?你会选择这所学校让我感到很惊讶。他们的课程似乎有些过时,而且整个学校好像空间也不够似的。” | “Xué jiào duì nǐmen de bāngzhù hái kěyǐ ba? Nǐ huì xuǎnzé zhè suǒ xuéxiào ràng wǒ gǎndào hěn jīngyà. Tāmen de kèchéng sìhū yǒuxiē guòshí, érqiě zhěnggè xuéxiào hǎoxiàng kōngjiān yě búgòu shìde.” | “Are you happy with the support you're getting? I found it surprising that you chose this school. Their lectures seem a bit old-fashioned and it lacks space.” |
“因此,我们几乎不安排在校园内开会,但是我不后悔自己去那里学习的决定。我建立了许多新的友谊,学生社区也很积极活跃。许多外国人用他们政府给的补助金在那里学习,我很高兴能够更多地了解他们的生活 | “Yīncǐ, wǒmen jīhū bù ānpái zài xiàoyuán nèi cānjiā, dànshì wǒ bú hòuhuǐ zìjǐ qù nàlǐ xuéxí de juédìng. Wǒ jiànlìle xǔduō xīn de yǒuyì, xuéshēng shèqū yě hěn jījí huóyuè. Xǔduō wàiguórén yòng tāmen zhèngfǔ gěi de bǔzhùjīn zài nàlǐ xuéxí, wǒ hěn gāoxìng nénggòu gèng duō de liǎojiě tāmen de shēnghuó. | “We hardly ever arrange meetings on campus, but I don't regret my decision to study there. I've built many new friendships and the student community is very engaged. Many foreigners are studying there on grants from their governments and I'm grateful to be able to learn more about their lives. |
这些家伙们非常关心政治而且经常讲罢工的事,似乎在他们的祖国罢工是常常发生的事。校园比其他大学的更朴素一些,但我认为活跃的氛围弥补了这一点。因为校园坐落在市中心,所以我能很方便地去很多地方。我不需要车。” | Zhèxiē jiāhuomen fēicháng guānxīn zhèngzhì érqiě jīngcháng jiǎng bàgōng de shì, sìhū zài tāmen de zǔguó bàgōng shì chángcháng fāshēng de shì. Xiàoyuán bǐ qítā dàxué de gèng púsù yìxiē, dàn wǒ rènwéi huóyuè de fēnwéi míbǔle zhè yìdiǎn. Yīnwèi xiàoyuán zuòluò zài shì zhōngxīn, suǒyǐ wǒ néng hěn fāngbiàn de qù hěnduō dìfāng. Wǒ bù xūyào chē.” | "These guys are people who care a lot about politics and talk about the strikes that seem to be constantly happening in their home countries. The campus is more modest than others but I think the dynamic environment makes up for that. Because the campus is situated in the centre, I can walk everywhere. I don't need a vehicle.” |
“但你不得不承认那附近的某些地方很丑。” | “Dàn nǐ bùdébù chéngrèn nà fùjìn de mǒu xiē dìfāng hěn chǒu.” | “But you have to admit that certain parts of the neighbourhood are ugly.” |
“你当年是根据排名还是地处条件来选择大学的呢?我当时也想过上你的大学,但是主要缺点是它太偏僻了,那里根本没有酒吧或餐馆。” | "Nǐ dāngnián shì gēnjù páimíng háishì de chù tiáojiàn lái xuǎnzé dàxué de ne? Wǒ dāngshí yě xiǎngguò shàng nǐ de dàxué, dànshì zhǔyào quēdiǎn shì tā tài piānpìle, nàlǐ gēnběn méiyǒu jiǔbā huò cānguǎn | “Did you choose your university for its rank or its setting back then? I thought about yours, but the main drawback was its isolation, there are no bars or restaurants at all.” |
“那时我既不善社交,也不随和。我想成为一名律师,那里的 男生们都很好胜。” | “Nà shí wǒ jì bú shànshèjiāo, yě bù suíhe. Wǒ xiǎng chéngwéi yì míng lǜshī, nàlǐ de nán shēngmen dōu hěn hàoshèng.” | “I was neither sociable nor easygoing back then. I wanted to be a lawyer and the male students were all very competitive.” |
“我的很多朋友也都在学习法律。他们的教授严格得要命。” | “Wǒ de hěnduō péngyǒu yě dōu zài xuéxí fǎlǜ. Tāmen de jiàoshòu yángé dé yàomìng.” | “Many of my friends are studying law too. Their professors are terribly strict.” |
“是的,那时我们的讲师简直用一大堆作业把我们埋了。” | “Shì de, nà shí wǒmen de jiǎngshī jiǎnzhí yòng yí dà duī zuòyè bǎ wǒmen máile” | “Yes, our instructors buried us under a pile of work too.” |
这样一比较,经济学的压力要小得多。我只要在上课时注意听并稍作复习,就可以很好地应对考试了。有些题目是必不可少的,但是我们只要用从前的学生的考卷,就能得到充分的准备了。” | Zhèyàng yì bǐjiào, jīngjìxué jiā de yālì yào xiǎo dé duō. Wǒ zhǐyào zài shàngkè shí zhùyì tīng bìng shāo zuò fùxí, jiù kěyǐ hěn hǎo dì yìngduì kǎoshìle. Yǒuxiē tímù shì bì bùkě shǎo de, dànshì wǒmen zhǐyào yòng cóngqián de xuéshēng de kǎojuàn, jiù néng dédào chōngfèn de zhǔnbèile.” | “When I compare economics to that, it's much less stressful. When I pay attention in class and revise a bit I can deal with the exams pretty well. Some topics are essential, but we can use the exams of former students and I'm always adequately prepared.” |
“好像你真的很喜欢它,而且你在那里交到了很多朋友。我的学生时期也有很多令人难忘的时刻,其中有些实际上是挺令人尴尬的。我们那时有一个很聪明的同性恋学生。他有一个秘密。他认识一家药店的某人,并从那里得到了非法处方。当我发现他与药剂师发生了 性关系时,我感到很震惊。后来,他与情人发生了争执。他们打了起来,他还把他给杀了。他需要处理尸体,并让我帮他隐藏。 | “Hǎoxiàng nǐ zhēn de hěn xǐhuān tā, érqiě nǐ zài nàlǐ jiāodàole hěnduō péngyǒu. Wǒ de xuéshēng shíqí yě yǒu hěnduō lìngrén nánwàng de shíkè, qízhōng yǒuxiē shíjì shang shì tǐng lìngrén gāngà de. Wǒmen nà shí yǒu yígè hěn cōngmíng de tóngxìngliàn xuéshēng. Tā yǒu yígè mìmì. Tā rènshí yì jiā yàodiàn de mǒurén, bìng cóng nàlǐ dédàole fēifǎ chǔfāng. Dāng wǒ fāxiàn tā yǔ yàojìshī fāshēngle xìng guānxì shí, wǒ gǎndào hěn zhènjīng. Hòulái, tā yǔ qíngrén fà shēngle zhēngzhí. Tāmen dǎle qǐlái, tā hái bǎ tā gěi shāle. Tā xūyào chǔlǐ shītǐ, bìng ràng wǒ bāng tā yǐncáng. | “It seems like you really enjoy it and that you're making many friends there. I also have many unforgettable moments from my student life, some of them actually quite embarrassing. We had a very intelligent gay student. He had a secret. He knew somebody from the pharmacy and got illegal prescriptions from him. When I found out that he had sex with the pharmacist it was a shock for me. Then he had an argument with his lover. They started to fight and he murdered him. He needed to get rid of the body and asked me to help him hide it.” |
“天哪!你做了什么? ” | “Tiān na! Nǐ zuòle shénme?” | “Oh my god! What did you do?” |
“我报了警。我有义务那样做。” | “Wǒ bàole jǐng. Wǒ yǒu yìwù nàyàng zuò.” | “I called the police. I felt bound to do that.” |