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C8 纪录片

C8 纪录片

C8 Jìlùpiàn

C8 The Documentary


Běn bèi yāoqiú cǎifǎng zhèn shàng de diànyǐng zhìpiànrén. Tā xīngfèn de dàodále diànyǐng bùjǐng dì dìdiǎn. Tā qídài zhe nénggòu cǎifǎngdào zhège dǎoyǎn. Tā zuìjìn shàngyìngle yíbù chénggōng de xìjù. Nà shì tā zhìjīn zuì hǎo de.

Ben has been asked to interview a film-maker who is in town. He arrives at the film set excitedly. He is looking forward to interviewing the director. He recently released a successful drama. It is his best yet.


“Wǒ shì “chéngshì xīnwén” de jìzhě, wǒ lái zhèlǐ jiàn dǎoyǎn.”  

“I'm a reporter at City News and I'm here to see the director.”


Zhùshǒu piēle yì yǎn bǐjì, yǎo le yǎo zuǐchún.

The assistant glances at her notes and bites her lip.


“Nǐ bù zài wǒ de míngdān shàng. Shì shéi dìng de rìqī a?”  

“I don't have you on my list. Who set the date for this?”


“Yěxǔ mìshū chūcuòle. Wǒ yǐjīng jiù zhège zhǔtí yǔ dǎoyǎn hùfāle hǎo jǐ tiān de diànzǐ yóujiànle. Háo wú yíwèn, tā yīnggāi zhīdào wǒ yào lái.”   

“Maybe the secretary got it wrong. I've exchanged emails with the director for days about the topics. There's no doubt that he's expecting me.”


“Hǎo ba, ràng wǒ xiě xià nǐ de xìng, ránhòu dài nǐ qù zhǎo dǎoyǎn.” 

“Ok, fine, let me write down your surname and bring you to the director.”


Běn gēnzhe yí wèi shàngle suìshu de jǐngwèi láidàole jùzǔ jīntiān de gōngzuò dìdiǎn. Yì qún rén dōu zài yígè jiù lián zū fáng qián de cǎopíng shàng. Běn lìmǎ rènchūle dǎoyǎn, yígè zhōng nián de shēnsè tóufǎ de nánzǐ.

Ben follows the elderly guard to the set on which the crew is working today. A bunch of people are on a lawn in front of an old tenement. Ben recognises the director, a middle-aged dark haired man, straight away.


Tā zhùyìdào Běn de dàolái bìng zǒulái xiàng tā wènhǎo. Tāmen wòle wòshǒu.

He notices Ben’s arrival and comes over to say hello. They shake hands.


“Nǐ yídìng shì Dásītè xiānshēng. Nǐ zhǔndiǎn dàodále, dàn nǐ néng bùnéng děngyíxià, ràng wǒmen nénggòu wánchéng zhè yí chǎngjǐng?”  

“You must be Mr Dast. You've arrived right on time, but could you wait a moment while we finish this scene?”


“Méi wèntí, wǒ huì zài zhèlǐ děng.”  

“No problem, I’ll wait over here.”


” Xièxiè! Zhè dàyuē xūyào zài lái gè shíwǔ fēnzhōng, ránhòu wǒmen kěyǐ liáo yì liáo.”   

“Thank you! It'll take approximately another 15 minutes, then we can chat.”


Běn zháomí de guānkànle chǎngjǐng de pāishè. Yígè nánrén zhuāngbàn chéngle yóudìyuán, bèi cháchū shì dírén yìfāng de jiàndié. Tā dàizhe yígè miànjù, bìngqiě shuōzhe fāngyán. Zài qiāng kāihuǒ hòu, tā diédǎo zài dìshàng, gǔn xiàle xiépō. Dàjiā dōu  qǐle zhǎng. Běn zhuā zhùle hé dǎoyǎn shuōhuà de jīhuì.

Ben watches with fascination as the scene is filmed. A man, who is dressed as a postman, has been identified as an enemy spy. He wears a mask and speaks in slang. After a shot is fired, he falls to the ground and rolls down a slope. Everybody applauds. Ben grabs the opportunity to speak to the director.


“Zhè fēicháng lìngrén yìnxiàng shēnkè.”

“That was very impressive.”


“Zhè shì yígè zhēnzhèng de jīngxiǎn piān, bùshì ma? Dàn tā bìng bùshì xiǎoshuō, nàyàngde shìqíng zhēn de fǎshēngle, jǐnguǎn gōngzhòng bìng bù zǒng zhīdào zhèxiē. Wúlùn nǐ shìfǒu xiāngxìn, zhège jiàndié èrshí nián qián zhēn de jiù bǎ zìjǐ cáng zàile chéng lǐ, zài zhège xiǎoqū bèi zhàdàn zhà huǐ zhīqián, tā yǐ bèi sōubǔ.”   

“A real thriller, isn’t it? But this isn't fiction, things like these really happened, although the public doesn’t always learn about them. Believe it or not, this spy was indeed in hiding in town 20 years ago and, before he could blow up this block with a bomb, he was hunted down.”


“Zhè zhēn shi lìngrén zhènjīng! Tā wèishéme yào zhà zhèxiē shèhuì zhùfáng?”  

“That's shocking! Why would he want to bomb social housing?”


“Zài zhège xiǎoqū, yǒu yījiā císhàn shāngdiàn, dàn hái yǒu yígè jūnshì shíyànshì. Kēxuéjiāmen mìmì de zài nàlǐ jùhuì, bìngqiě cóngshì gōngchéngxué xīn fāmíng de gōngzuò. Tāmen yībù yībù de fānbǎnle yīgè kěyǐ yòng zuò wǔqì de wèixīng jìshù. Zài yī míng bèi shōumǎi de gōngrén xiàng xīnwén jiè xièlòule jīmì hòu, tāmen jiù tíngzhǐle zài zhèlǐ de gōngzuò. Zài nà zhīhòu, chūxiànle yī piàn zhǐzé de làngcháo, érqiě zhèngfǔ mìnglìng jǐngchá quánmiàn tiáo chá cǐ shì.”

“In this block, there was a charity shop but also a military laboratory. Scientists secretly met there and worked on their new invention in engineering. Step by step, they worked on the reproduction of a satellite which could be used as a weapon. After a corrupt worker shared confidential information with the press, they ceased to work here. After that, there was a wave of accusations and a full review was ordered.”


“Zài wǒ kàn lái, zhè tīng qǐlái xiàng shì kēhuàn xiǎoshuō. Dōu shì xiē shénme húhuà a!”  

“That sounds like science fiction to me. What nonsense!”


“Zhèxiē shìqíng hěnduō dōu shì duì gōngzhòng yǐnmán de. Yǒu ànshì dào de, dàn tōngcháng bú huì yǐn rén zhùyì, fǒuzé jiāng shì yígè dà chǒuwén.”  

“A lot of these things are hidden from the public. There are hints but they usually go unnoticed, or else it would've been a big scandal.”





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