D4 音乐节 | D4 Yīnyuè Jié | D4 The Music Festival |
本和马克认为自己值得被奖励奖励。于是他们买了音乐节的票。在去那里的车途中,他们看到了田野里有着数十只山羊和牛犊的美丽景色。他们还在狭窄的小路上超过了一辆拖拉机。 | Běn hé Mǎkè rènwéi zìjǐ zhíde bèi jiǎnglì jiǎnglì. Yúshì tāmen mǎile yīnyuè jié de piào. Zài qù nàlǐ de chētú zhōng, tāmen kàndàole tiányě li yǒu zhe shùshí zhī shānyáng hé niúdú dì měilì jǐngsè. Tāmen hái zài xiázhǎi de xiǎolù shàng chāoguòle yíliàng tuōlājī. | Ben and Marc think that they deserve a reward. They have bought tickets for a music festival. On the drive there, they see a beautiful landscape with dozens of goats and calves in the fields. They overtake a tractor on a narrow lane. |
他们也在路途中看到了宏伟的古城堡。他们在看到去古庙的路标时开出了主路。音乐节将在那里举行。他们已经预订了一块搭帐篷的地方。所以他们先在入口处的留言板旁边停下,然后去寻找那个停车位。 | Tāmen yě zài lùtú zhòng kàndàole hóngwěi de gǔ chéngbǎo. Tāmen zài kàndào qù gǔ miào de lùbiāo shí kāi chūle zhǔ lù. Yīnyuè jié jiàng zài nàlǐ jǔxíng. Tāmen yǐjīng yùdìngle yíkuài dā zhàngpéng de dìfāng. Suǒyǐ tāmen xiān zài rùkǒu chǔ de liúyán bǎn pángbiān tíng xià, ránhòu qù xúnzhǎo nàgè tíngchē wèi. | They also see magnificent ancient castles on the route. When they see the signpost to the old temple, they exit the main road. The festival is taking place there. They have reserved a camping space. They stop at the message board at the entrance to locate it. |
土很湿。而且很难在泥里搭帐篷。马克把绳子绑在一块金属上。 | Tǔ hěn shī. Érqiě hěn nán zài ní lǐ dā zhàngpéng. Mǎkè bǎ shéngzi bǎng zài yíkuài jīnshǔ shàng. | The soil is wet. It is difficult to pitch their tent in the mud. Marc fastens the ropes with a piece of metal. |
“这仍然看起来很奇怪。我认为他们省略了手册上的一些步骤。我们还有一些剩下的组件。他们就不能把这个简化一下吗?不是每个人都是天才啊。” | “Zhè réngrán kàn qǐlái hěn qíguài. Wǒ rènwéi tāmen shěnglüèle shǒucè shàng de yìxiē bùzhòu. Wǒmen hái yǒu yìxiē shèng xià de zǔjiàn. Tāmen jiù bùnéng bǎ zhège jiǎnhuà yíxià ma? Búshì měi gèrén dōu shì tiāncái a.” | “It still looks bizarre - I think they omitted some steps in the manual. We still have some components left. Could they not have simplified this? Not everybody is a genius.” |
“我们只是有些生疏。要不,咱们也可以在车上睡觉。” | “Wǒmen zhǐshì yǒuxiē shēngshū. Yàobú, zánmen yě kěyǐ zài chē shàng shuìjiào.” | “We're just out of practice. Alternatively, we can also sleep in the car.” |
“那会热得非常不舒服的,我无论如何都不想那样。” | “Nà huì rè de fēicháng bù shūfu de, wǒ wúlùn rúhé dōu bùxiǎng nàyàng.” | “It will be uncomfortably hot in there, and I want to avoid that at all costs.” |
“不管怎样,我们现在都必须勇敢些。这些困难是我们自找的。在粗糙的地面上睡觉会很疼的。“ | “Bùguǎn zěnyàng, wǒmen xiànzài dōu bìxū yǒnggǎn xiē. Zhèxiē kùnnán shì wǒmen zì zhǎo de. Zài cūcāo de dìmiàn shàng shuìjiào huì hěn téng de.“ | “Either way, we need to be brave now. Sleeping on the rough ground is going to be painful but we're the ones who got ourselves into these difficulties.” |
“看起来可能这些女孩儿们在某种程度上是对的。他们把我们宠坏了,以至于我们都无法忍受这些了。” | “Kànqǐlái kěnéng zhèxiē nǚháirmen zài mǒu zhǒng chéngdù shàng shì duì de. Tāmen bǎ wǒmen chǒnghuài le, yǐ zhìyú wǒmen dōu wúfǎ rěnshòu zhèxiēle.” | “It appears that the girls were right in a way. They've spoilt us so much that we can’t take this anymore.” |
“很高兴她们现在不在这里。要不她们会把这个玩笑开到永远的。” | “Hěn gāoxìng tāmen xiànzài búzài zhèlǐ. Yào bú tāmen huì bǎ zhège wánxiào kāi dào yǒngyuǎn de.” | “It’s good that they're not here now. They’d never stop making jokes about this.” |
“她们很可能在这里已经预订了一个酒店。我们可以承认自己的失败,去洗个让人神清气爽的澡,然后和她们一起爬进羽绒被里。” | “Tāmen hěn kěnéng zài zhèlǐ yǐjīng yùdìngle yígè jiǔdiàn. Wǒmen kěyǐ chéngrèn zìjǐ de shībài, qù xǐ gè ràngrén shén qīng qì shuǎng de zǎo, ránhòu hé tāmen yìqǐ pá jìn yǔróng bèi lǐ.” | “They’d probably have made a booking in a nearby hotel. We would have been able to admit defeat, have a refreshing shower and crawl under the down |