D5实习 | D5 Shíxí | D5 The internship |
安娜正在寻找实习机会。这是她毕业前必须满足的要求之一。她试图客观地评估这些关系到她未来事业前景的选择。 | Ānnà zhèngzài xúnzhǎo shíxí jīhuì. Zhè shì tā bìyè qián bìxū mǎnzú de yāoqiú zhīyī. Tā shìtú kèguān de pínggū zhèxiē guānxì dào tā wèilái shìyè qiánjǐng de xuǎnzé. | Anna is looking for an internship. It is one of the requirements she needs to fulfil before she can graduate. She tries to objectively assess her options with regards to her future career outlook. |
市场营销工作对她来说很有吸引力。但许多公司已经重组和裁员了。因此,许多有经验的专业人士现在正在失业。她放弃了这个主意,并且重新找其它的。 | Shìchǎng yíngxiāo gōngzuò duì tā láishuō hěn yǒu xīyǐnlì. Dàn xǔduō gōngsī yǐjīng chóngzǔ hé cáiyuánle. Yīncǐ, xǔduō yǒu jīngyàn de zhuānyè rénshì xiànzài zhèngzài shīyè. Tā fàngqìle zhège zhúyì, bìngqiě chóngxīn zhǎo qítā de. | Jobs in marketing are appealing to her, but a lot of firms have reorganised themselves and made people redundant. Therefore, many experienced professionals are out of work. She dismisses that idea and resumes her search. |
显然,在有了推动各企业本地制造的新规定后,许多毕业生都会试一试制造业。而且制造业的工作也急剧地增多了。 | Xiǎnrán, zài yǒule tuīdòng gè qǐyè běndì zhìzào de xīn guīdìng hòu, xǔduō bìyè shēng dōu huì shì yí shì zhìzào yè. Érqiě zhìzào yè de gōngzuò yě jíjù de zēngduōle. | Apparently, after a new regulation which has pushed firms to manufacture locally again, many graduates are now having a go at manufacturing. There has been a sharp increase in job offers. |
但内心深处,安娜知道她必须去别处找。她在制造业没有经验,并不知道很多工业概念和流程。 | Dàn nèixīn shēn chù, Ānnà zhīdào tā bìxū qù biéchù zhǎo. Tā zài zhìzào yè méiyǒu jīngyàn, bìng bù zhīdào hěnduō gōngyè gàiniàn hé liúchéng. | But, deep down, Anna knows that she has to look elsewhere. She is inexperienced and does not know the industrial concepts and processes. |
她看到一个做环保投资代表的工作机会。这一领域现在越来越受欢迎。这是她极其感兴趣的一个领域。她热情地记下了更多联系人的详细信息。 | Tā kàndào yígè zuò huánbǎo tóuzī dàibiǎo de gōngzuò jīhuì. Zhè yì lǐngyù xiànzài yuè lái yuè shòu huānyíng. Zhè shì tā jíqí gǎn xìngqù de yígè lǐngyù. Tā rèqíng de jì xiàle gèng duō liánxì rén de xiángxì xìnxī. | She sees an offer for a position as representative of environmentally friendly investments. They are becoming more and more popular. This is an area she is strongly interested in. She enthusiastically notes down the specifics of the offer and the contact details. |
她开始撰写求职信,试图传达自己想要找到一个有意义的工作的愿望。她阐明了自己对关心生态问题很有激情,以及她为保护资源所做的工作,因此她很适合这一职位。 | Tā kāishǐ zhuànxiě qiúzhí xìn, shìtú chuándá zìjǐ xiǎng yào zhǎodào yígè yǒu yìyì de gōngzuò de yuànwàng. Tā chǎnmíngle zìjǐ duì guānxīn shēngtài wèntí hěn yǒu jīqíng, yǐjí tā wèi bǎohù zīyuán suǒ zuò de gōngzuò, yīncǐ tā hěn shìhé zhè yì zhíwèi. | She starts to compose a cover letter in which she tries to convey her desire to find a meaningful job. She explains how much she cares about ecological issues, how passionately she works for the protection of resources, and that she is therefore well-suited for the role. |
她没有收到答复,并且以为这个申请落空了。但是最终,她获得了一个面试。 | Tā méiyǒu shōudào dáfù, bìngqiě yǐwéi zhège shēnqǐng luòkōngle. Dànshì zuìzhōng, tā huòdéle yígè miànshì. | She does not receive an answer and thinks the application has fallen through but, eventually, she is granted an interview. |
早上面试前,她感觉很糟糕。她的肚子很难受。她不耐烦地等待着被面试。 | Zǎoshang miànshì qián, tā gǎnjué hěn zāogāo. Tā de dùzi hěn nánshòu. Tā bú nàifán de děngdài zhe bèi miànshì. | The morning before the meeting she feels awful. She has an upset stomach and awaits the interview impatiently. |
“你有很大的机会会被录用。不用惊慌,一切都会很顺利的。你只需要向他们阐明,你想怎样有所作为,还有你已经正在为太阳能筹集的捐款。主要的事情是要说明你对这一题目多么的痴迷。 | “Nǐ yǒu hěn dà de jīhuì huì bèi lùyòng. Búyòng jīnghuāng, yíqiè dōu huì hěn shùnlì de. Nǐ zhǐ xūyào xiàng tāmen chǎnmíng, nǐ xiǎng zěnyàng yǒu suǒ zuòwéi, hái yǒu nǐ yǐjīng zhèngzài wèi tàiyángnéng chóují de juānkuǎn. Zhǔyào de shìqíng shì yào shuōmíng nǐ duì zhè yì tímù duōme de chīmí. | “You have a very good chance of being hired. No need to panic, it will all go smoothly. You just have to explain to them how you want to make a difference and that you're already collecting donations for solar energy. The main thing is to illustrate how obsessed you are with the topic. |
你还应该提到你为濒危种类做过什么,比如那个防止鸟类栖息地减少的项目。我对你的技能很有信心,安娜。我知道你拼命地想要得到这个工作,而且目前应付这种压力真的很难。” | Nǐ hái yīnggāi tídào nǐ wèi bīnwēi zhǒnglèi zuòguò shènme, bǐrú nàgè fángzhǐ niǎolèi qīxī dì jiǎnshǎo de xiàngmù. Wǒ duì nǐ de jìnéng hěn yǒu xìnxīn, Ānnà. Wǒ zhīdào nǐ pīnmìng de xiǎng yào dédào zhège gōngzuò, érqiě mùqián yìngfù zhè zhǒng yālì zhēn de hěn nán.” | "You should also mention what you're doing for endangered species, like the project fighting against the decline of bird habitats. I have confidence in your skills, Anna. I know you want this job desperately and that it's currently difficult for you to cope with the stress.” |
“这个工作有一些利和弊。没工资,也没有体面的生活水平。” | “Zhège gōngzuò yǒu yìxiē lìhé bì. Méi gōngzī, yě méiyǒu tǐmiàn de shēnghuó shuǐpíng.” | “There are pros and cons about this job. It's unpaid so it doesn't offer a decent standard of living.” |
“幸好有本,你可以接受这些条款。但我确信这对于许多其他人来说是无法接受的。” | “Xìnghǎo yǒu Běn, nǐ kěyǐ jiēshòu zhèxiē tiáokuǎn. Dàn wǒ quèxìn zhè duìyú xǔduō qítā rén láishuō shì wúfǎ jiēshòu de.” | “Yeah, you can live with these terms thanks to Ben, but I'm convinced that it's unacceptable for many others.” |
“我的很多朋友也想献身于这种理想主义的职位。如果你有足够的积蓄,就不必面对生活的现实。就可以做你信奉的事情,即使没有薪水。” | “Wǒ de hěnduō péngyǒu yě xiǎng xiànshēn yú zhè zhǒng lǐxiǎngzhǔyì de zhíwèi. Rúguǒ nǐ yǒu zúgòu de jīxù, jiù búbì miàn duì shēnghuó de xiànshí. Jiù kěyǐ zuò nǐ xìnfèng de shìqíng, jíshǐ méiyǒu xīnshuǐ.” | “Many of my friends also want to devote themselves to this kind of idealistic role. If you have enough savings you don’t have to face the realities of life. You can do something you believe in even if you're not paid a salary.” |
“但这显著地减少了申请人的数量。大多数人的目标还是赚钱,并且得到奖金。” | “Dàn zhè xiǎnzhù de jiǎnshǎole shēnqǐngrén de shùliàng. Dà duōshù rén de mùbiāo háishì zhuànqián, bìngqiě dédào jiǎngjīn.” | “But it does significantly reduce the number of applicants. The objective of the majority is to earn money and get a bonus.” |
“怎样才能确保我得到这个实习机会呢?看看我目前为止写的这些文字,这足够周全吗?我想给人留 下尽可能最好的印象。” | “Zěnyàng cáinéng quèbǎo wǒ dédào zhège shíxí jīhuì ne? Kànkàn wǒ mùqián wéizhǐ xiě de zhèxiē wénzì. Zhè zúgòu zhōuquán ma? Wǒ xiǎng jǐ rén liú xià jìn kěnéng zuì hǎo de yìnxiàng.” | “How can we ensure that I get this internship? Look at the text I've written so far. Is it solid enough? I want to make the best possible impression.” |
“也许你可以在这里强调上次你为大学翻译文件这一项目中的贡献?” | “Yěxǔ nǐ kěyǐ zài zhèlǐ qiángdiào shàng cì nǐ wèi dàxué fānyì wénjiàn zhè yī xiàngmù zhōng de gòngxiàn?” | “Maybe here you can emphasise how you contributed to your last project when you translated some documents for the university?” |
“那会引起误会的。那当然不是我。是讲师完成的所有的工作。” | “Nà huì yǐnqǐwùhuì de. Nà dāngrán bú shì wǒ. Shì jiǎngshī wánchéng de suǒyǒu de gōngzuò.” | “That would be misleading. It was certainly not me. The lecturer did all the work.” |
“我可以告诉你,没有人在他们的简历里说真话。每个人都美化了他们的学术成就-这很常见。” | “Wǒ kěyǐ gàosù nǐ, méiyǒurén zài tāmen de jiǎnlì lǐ shuō zhēnhuà. Měi gèrén dōu měihuàle tāmen de xuéshù chéngjiù - zhè hěn chángjiàn.” | “I can tell you that nobody really tells the truth on their CVs and everybody embellishes their academic achievements - it's quite common.” |
实习 | shíxí | the internship | | true | learn | |
之一 | zhīyī | one of | | of | one | |
要求 | yāoqiú | the requirement | | want | begging | |
满足要求 | mǎnzú yāoqiú | to fulfil requirements | | full | foot | want | begging | |
毕业 | bìyè | to graduate | | complete | industry | |
客观 | kèguān | objectively | | visitor | look | |
关系到 | guānxìdào | with regard to sth | | close | fasten | to | |
前景 | qiánjǐng | the outlook | | before | scenery | |
市场营销 | shìchǎng yíngxiāo | the marketing | | city | field | camp | sell | |
有吸引力 | yǒu xīyǐnlì | appealing | | have | absorb | pull | force | |
对她来说 | duì tā láishuō | for her | | correct | she | come | say | |
重组 | chóngzǔ | to reorganise | | weight | group | |
裁员 | cáiyuán | make redundant | | cut | person | |
有经验 | yǒu jīngyàn | experienced | | have | through | test | |
专业人士 | zhuānyè rénshì | the professional | | specialize | industry | people | knight | |
失业 | shīyè | out of work | | lose | industry | |
放弃 | fàngqì | to dismiss | | put | abandoned | |
重新 | chóngxīn | to resume | | weight | new | |
显然 | xiǎnrán | apparently | | display | so | |
毕业生 | bìyèshēng | the graduate | | complete | industry | live | |
试一试 | shì yí shì | to have a go | | try | one | try | |
制造业 | zhìzào yè | the manufacturing | | system | make | industry | |
规定 | guīdìng | the regulation | | regulation | decide | |
推动… | tuīdòng | to push sb to do sth | | push | move | |
制造 | zhìzào | to manufacture | | system | make | |
本地 | běndì | locally | | book | land | |
增多 | zēngduō | the increase | | increase | many | |
急剧增多 | jíjù zēngduō | sharp increase | | anxious | drama | increase | many | |
内心深处 | nèixīn shēnchù | deep down | | inside | heart | deep | department | |
别处 | biéchù | elsewhere | | do not | department | |
没有经验 | méiyǒu jīngyàn | inexperienced | | no | have | through | test | |
工业 | gōngyè | industrial | | work | industry | |
概念 | gàiniàn | the concept | | general | read | |
流程 | liúchéng | the process | | flow | procedure | |
代表 | dàibiǎo | the representative | | dynasty | list | |
环保 | huánbǎo | environmentally friendly | | ring | protect | |
越来越 | yuè lái yuè | more and more | | more | come | more | |
极其 | jíqí | strongly | | extreme | that | |
记 | jì | to note | | remember | |
热情 | rèqíng | enthusiastically | | heat | feeling | |
记下 | jì xià | to note down | | remember | under | |
详细信息 | xiángxì xìnxī | the specifics | | detailed | thin | letter | interest | |
联系 | liánxì | the contact | | unite | fasten | |
撰写 | zhuànxiě | to compose | | write | write | |
求职信 | qiúzhí xìn | the cover letter | | begging | duty | letter | |
试图 | shìtú | to try | | try | picture | |
传达 | chuándá | to convey | | pass | reach | |
愿望 | yuànwàng | the desire | | willing | hope | |
有意义 | yǒu yìyì | meaningful | | have | meaning | righteous | |
阐明 | chǎnmíng | to explain | | explain | bright | |
生态 | shēngtài | ecological | | live | state | |
有激情 | yǒu jīqíng | passionately | | have | excite | feeling | |
资源 | zīyuán | the resource | | capital | source | |
适合 | shìhé | to be suited for | | suitable | close | |
职位 | zhíwèi | the role | | duty | location | |
落空 | luòkōng | to fall through | | drop | air | |
最终 | zuìzhōng | eventually | | most | end | |
获得 | huòdé | to be granted | | harvest | get | |
面试 | miànshì | the interview | | side | try | |
糟糕 | zāogāo | awful | | messy | cake | |
肚子很难受 | dùzi hěn nánshòu | the upset stomach | | belly | small thing | very | difficult | receive | |
等待 | děngdài | to await | | wait | wait for | |
不耐烦 | bú nàifán | impatiently | | not | be resistant | bother | |
机会 | jīhuì | the chance | | machine | meeting | |
录用 | lùyòng | to hire sb | | record | use | |
不用 | búyòng | no need to | | not | use | |
惊慌 | jīnghuāng | the panic | | startle | panic | |
会很顺利的 | huì hěn shùnlì de | to go smoothly | | meeting | very | shun | benefit | of | |
有所作为 | yǒu suǒ zuòwéi | to make a difference | | have | so | make | for | |
筹集 | chóují | to collect | | raise | set | |
捐款 | juānkuǎn | the donation | | donate | paragraph | |
太阳 | tàiyáng | solar | | too | sun | |
太阳能 | tàiyángnéng | the solar energy | | too | sun | can | |
主要的事情 | zhǔyào de shìqíng | the main thing | | host | want | of | thing | feeling | |
说明 | shuōmíng | to illustrate | | say | bright | |
痴迷 | chīmí | to be obsessed with | | foolish | fan | |
濒危 | bīnwēi | endangered | | near | dangerous | |
种类 | zhǒnglèi | the species | | species | classify | |
减少 | jiǎnshǎo | the decline | | less | less | |
鸟类 | niǎolèi | the bird | | bird | classify | |
栖息地 | qīxī dì | the habitat | | habitat | interest | land | |
信心 | xìnxīn | the confidence | | letter | heart | |
拼命地 | pīnmìng de | desperately | | spell | life | land | |
目前 | mùqián | currently | | item | before | |
应付 | yìngfù | to cope | | should | pay | |
利和弊 | lìhé bì | the pros and cons | | benefit | with | disadvantages | |
没工资 | méi gōngzī | unpaid | | no | work | capital | |
体面 | tǐmiàn | decent | | body | side | |
生活水平 | shēnghuó shuǐpíng | the standard of living | | live | live | water | level | |
条款 | tiáokuǎn | the terms | | strip | paragraph | |
幸好有 | xìnghǎo yǒu | thanks to | | lucky | good | have | |
确信 | quèxìn | convinced | | indeed | letter | |
无法接受 | wúfǎ jiēshòu | unacceptable | | not | law | receive | receive | |
献身于 | xiànshēn yú | to devote yourself to | | offer | body | at | |
理想主义 | lǐxiǎngzhǔyì | idealistic | | manage | want | host | righteous | |
职位 | zhíwèi | the role | | duty | location | |
足够 | zúgòu | enough | | foot | enough | |
积蓄 | jīxù | the savings | | product | accumulate | |
现实 | xiànshí | the realities of sth | | now | true | |
信奉 | xìnfèng | to believe in sth | | letter | 0 | |
薪水 | xīnshuǐ | the salary | | salary | water | |
显著 | xiǎnzhù | significantly | | display | in progress | |
数量 | shùliàng | the number | | number | amount | |
申请人 | shēnqǐngrén | the applicants | | affirm | please | people | |
目标 | mùbiāo | the objective | | item | label | |
大多数 | dàduōshù | the majority | | big | many | number | |
赚钱 | zhuànqián | to earn money | | earn | money | |
奖金 | jiǎngjīn | the bonus | | award | gold | |
确保 | quèbǎo | to ensure | | indeed | protect | |
文字 | wénzì | the text | | text | word | |
目前为止 | mùqián wéizhǐ | so far | | item | before | for | stop | |
周全 | zhōuquán | solid | | week | whole | |
尽可能最好 | jǐn kěnéng zuì hǎo | best possible | | constantly | can | can | most | good | |
印象 | yìnxiàng | the impression | | print | elephant | |
强调 | qiángdiào | to emphasize | | strong | tune | |
贡献 | gòngxiàn | to contribute | | tribute | offer | |
翻译 | fānyì | to translate | | turn | translate | |
引起误会 | yǐnqǐwùhuì | misleading | | pull | begin | error | meeting | |
当然不 | dāngrán bù | certainly not | | should | so | not | |
讲师 | jiǎngshī | the lecturer | | speak | master | |
可以告诉 | kěyǐ gàosù | to can tell | | can | by | tell | tell | |
真话 | zhēnhuà | the truth | | true | words | |
美化 | měihuà | to embellish | | nice | chemistry | |
学术 | xuéshù | academic | | learn | method | |
常见 | chángjiàn | common | | often | see | |
曾是 | céngshì | to use to be | | once | be | |