E10 品尝葡萄酒 | E10 Pǐncháng pútáojiǔ | E10 The wine tasting |
安娜和本应安娜父母的邀请,参加了品酒会。本希望能够在那里建立一些人际关系,因此带上了他的名片。安娜穿着非常优雅的名师设计的连衣裙和一双有高跟的凉鞋。 | Annà hé Běn yìng Annà fùmǔ de yāoqǐng, cānjiāle pǐn jiǔhuì. Běn xīwàng nénggòu zài nàlǐ jiànlì yìxiē rénjì guānxì, yīncǐ dài shàngle tā de míngpiàn. Ānnà chuānzhe fēicháng yōuyǎ de míngshī shèjì de liányīqún hé yìshuāng yǒu gāo gēn de liángxié. | Anna and Ben have been invited by Anna’s parents to join a wine tasting. Ben hopes to do some networking there, therefore he his business cards. Anna wears a very elegant designer dress and sandals with high heels. |
本欣喜地看着她,停顿片刻后说道:“你看起来真美啊。这件连衣裙真的很有女人味,而且非常奢华但是在你试着订购时,它不是没货了吗?” | Běn xīnxǐ de kànzhe tā, tíngdùn piànkè hòu shuōdao:“Nǐ kàn qǐlái zhēn měi a. Zhè jiàn liányīqún zhēn de hěn yǒu nǚrénwèi, érqiě fēicháng shēhua dànshì zài nǐ shìzhe dìnggòu shí, tā búshì méi huòle ma?” | Ben looks at her with delight and says, after a little pause: “You look fabulous. That dress is really feminine and luxurious, but was it not out of stock when you tried to order it?” |
“其实,后来我又看到我的尺寸仍然有货。它的拉链有一个小缺陷。幸运的是,基于这一点他们降低了价格。我把它修好了。今晚我需要一点魅力。” | “Qíshí, hòulái wǒ yòu kàn dào wǒ de chǐcùn réngrán yǒu huò. Tā de lāliàn yǒu yígè xiǎo quēxiàn. Xìngyùn de shì, jīyú zhè yìdiǎn tāmen jiàngdī le jiàgé. Wǒ bǎ tā xiū hǎole. Jīn wǎn wǒ xūyào yìdiǎn mèilì.” | “Well, I saw subsequently that they still had my size in store. It had a little defect on the zip. Thankfully they reduced the price on that basis. I mended it. Tonight needs a bit of glamour.” |
“这是无法否认的,但我简直不习惯你穿得这么优雅。与你相比,我看起来糟透了。” | “Zhè shì wúfǎ fǒurèn de, dàn wǒ jiǎnzhí bù xíguàn nǐ chuān de zhème yōuyǎ. Yǔ nǐ xiāng bǐ, wǒ kàn qǐlái zāotòule.” | “That is undeniable, but I'm simply not accustomed to you being so elegantly dressed, Compared to you I look appalling.” |
安娜退后了几步,看了看他,然后决定直接一些,说道:“你确实少了一些优雅。” | Ānnà tuì hòule jǐ bù, kànle kàn tā, ránhòu juédìng zhíjiē yìxiē, shuōdao: “Nǐ quèshí shǎole yìxiē yōuyǎ.” | Anna steps back, looks at him and decides to be direct: “You really are lacking elegance.” |
本笑着抱住了她。 | Běn xiàozhe bàozhùle tā. | Ben laughs and embraces her. |
他们乘的士去会场。他们爬进了车,奔砰的一声把门关上了。 | Tāmen chéng dīshì qù huìchǎng. Tāmen pá jìnle chē, Bēn pēng de yìshēng bǎmén guānshàngle. | They take a cab to the venue. They climb into the car and Ben slams the door shut. |
他们到达了一个葡萄酒店。这里已经为庆祝年度的葡萄酒盛事而进行了装饰。 | Tāmen dàodále yīgè pútáojiǔ diàn. Zhèlǐ yǐjīng wèi qìngzhù niándù de pútáojiǔ shèngshì ér jìnxíngle zhuāngshì. | They arrive at the wine store. It has been decorated to celebrate the annual wine event. |
“咱们可以扩大一下咱们的人际网,并且工作和娱乐也要结合一下。” | “Zánmen kěyǐ kuòdà yíxià zánmen de rénjìwǎng, bìngqiě gōngzuò hé yúlè yě yào jiéhé yíxià.” | “We can widen our network and combine work and pleasure.” |
让他们高兴的是,他们发现了一个露台。但是这个露台迅速地变得越来越有人气,因为店内变得越来越热了。 | Ràng tāmen gāoxìng de shì, tāmen fāxiànle yígè lùtái. Dànshì zhège lùtái xùnsù de biàn de yuè lái yuè yǒu rénqì, yīnwèi diànnèi biàn de yuè lái yuè rèle. | To their relief, they discover a terrace. It rapidly gains in popularity as the interior of the store heats up. |
安娜的面前有多种葡萄酒,并对它们一一评价起来。她尤其夸了其中一种红酒: | Ānnà de miànqián yǒu duō zhǒng pútáojiǔ, bìng duì tāmen yīyī píngjià qǐlái. Tā yóuqí kuāle qízhōng yì zhǒng hóngjiǔ: | Anna has multiple wines in front of her and evaluates them. She praises one of the red wines: |
“这款酒真的很经典。它是进口的,而且只会在精品店中被找到。诚然,要买它你需要大量的预算,但它已经被授予无数个奖项了。” | “Zhè kuǎn jiǔ zhēn de hěn jīngdiǎn. Tā shì jìnkǒu de, érqiě zhǐ huì zài jīngpǐn diàn zhōng bèi zhǎodào. Chéngrán, yāomǎi tā nǐ xūyào dàliàng de yùsuàn, dàn tā yǐjīng bèi shòuyǔ wúshù gè jiǎngxiàngle.” ” | “This wine is a real classic. It's imported and it can only be found in some selected shops. Admittedly, you need a big budget, but it has been awarded numerous prizes.” |
“我对这根本就不在乎!你是如何区分所有这些葡萄酒的啊?” | ““Wǒ duì zhè gēnběn jiù búzàihū! Nǐ shì rúhé qūfēn suǒyǒu zhèxiē pútáojiǔ de a?” | “I couldn’t care less. How do you distinguish all these wines?” |
“你抿一口,并试着将它的味道和你知道其他的味道联系起来。有的葡萄酒真的让我很着迷。” | “ Nǐ mǐn yìkǒu, bìng shìzhe jiāng tā de wèidào hé nǐ zhīdào qítā de wèidào liánxì qǐlái. Yǒu de pútáojiǔ zhēn de ràng wǒ hěn zháomí.” | “You take a little sip and try to associate the taste with other flavours you know. Some wines really fascinate me.“ |
“这可真不适合我。” | “Zhè kě zhēn búshìhé wǒ.” | “This is really not for me.” |
“如果你经常和我来这里,你会开阔眼界的。而我的父亲也能有更多的时间和他的未来女婿在一起 。” | “ Rúguǒ nǐ jīngcháng hé wǒ lái zhèlǐ, nǐ huì kāikuò yǎnjiè de. Ér wǒ de fùqīn yě néng yǒu gèng duō de shíjiān hé tā de wèilái nǚxù zài yìqǐ.” .” | “Joining me here more often would broaden your horizon. And my father could spend time with his future son-in-law.” |
“我是很不情愿来这里的。今天可是我为你才破的例。” | “ Wǒ shì hěn bù qíngyuàn lái zhèlǐ de. Jīntiān kěshì wǒ wèi nǐ cái pò dì lì.” | “I only come reluctantly, and I'm making an exception for you today.” |
“这跟让你去教堂一样糟糕,不是吗? ” | “ Zhè gēn ràng nǐ qù jiàotáng yíyàng zāogāo, búshì ma?” ” | This is just as bad as going to church for you, isn’t it? |
“你知道我并不信教,但是我的家人总是希望我遵守宗教节日。而且他们还给我施加压 力,让我去教堂。但坦率地讲,我发现有关宗教的一切都很糟糕。他们强迫我每周都去,但我每次唯一的想法都是尽快离开。 | “ Nǐ zhīdào wǒ bìng bú xìnjiào, dànshì wǒ de jiārén zǒng shì xīwàng wǒ zūnshǒu zōngjiào jiérì. Érqiě tāmen hái gěi wǒ shījiā yālì, ràng wǒ qù jiàotáng. Dàn tǎnshuài de jiǎng, wǒ fāxiàn yǒuguān zōngjiào de yíqiè dōu hěn zāogāo. Tāmen qiǎngpò wǒ měi zhōu dōu qù, dàn wǒ měi cì wéiyī de xiǎngfǎ dōu shì jìnkuài líkāi. | “You know I'm not very religious, but it was always the expectation of my family that I observe religious holidays. And they put pressure on me to attend church. But frankly, I found everything about religion dreadful. They forced me to go every week, but my only desire was to get out as quickly as possible. |
在我离开故乡时,我决定以后既不回教堂也不会再参加其他被迫的活动了。而现在,我正和这些城里的精英们在一起,背叛了我作为一个社会主义者的价值观。” | Zài wǒ líkāi gùxiāng shí, wǒ juédìng yǐhòu jì bù huí jiàotáng yě bú huì zài cānjiā qítā bèi pò de zōngjiào huódòng. Ér xiànzài, wǒ zhènghé zhèxiē chéng lǐ de jīngyīngmen zài yìqǐ, bèipànle wǒ zuòwéi yígè shèhuì zhǔyìzhě de jiàzhíguān.” | "When I left my home town, I decided I would neither go back to church nor participate in any other compulsory events in the future. Now, I'm here with the elite of the town and betraying my values as a socialist.” |
“但是现在你已经成熟了,而且这根本是不同的事情,所以不要那么幼稚了!” 我不想再从头讨论这件事了。每次你这么叛逆时,真能把我给气 疯了。 | “ Dànshì xiànzài nǐ yǐjīng chéngshúle, érqiě zhè gēnběn shì bùtóng de shìqíng, suǒyǐ búyào nàme yòuzhìle!” Wǒ bùxiǎng zài cóngtóu tǎolùn zhè jiàn shìle. Měi cì nǐ zhème pànnì shí, zhēnnéng bǎ wǒ gěi qì fēngle. | “But today, you're more mature and this is an entirely different thing, so don’t be so childish! I don't want to discuss this all over again. Every time you're so rebellious you really drive me mad. |
带你到这里来真是一个失误。能让你与我的父母合得来对我来说意味着一切。他们很重视这种活动,而且出席这种活动也是我家教的一部分。” | Dài nǐ dào zhèlǐ lái zhēnshi yígè shīwù. Néng ràng nǐ yǔ wǒ de fùmǔ hédelái duì wǒ láishuō yìwèizhe yíqiè. Tāmen hěn zhòngshì zhè zhǒng huódòng, érqiě chūxí zhè zhǒng huódòng yěshì wǒ jiājiào de yíbùfèn.” | "It was an error to bring you here. It means everything to me that you get along with my parents. They value these kinds of events and it was part of my upbringing to attend them.” |
“我能理解你的厌烦,但你就不能也理解一下我的看法吗?我不能假装成另一个人啊。” | ““Wǒ néng lǐjiě nǐ de yànfán, dàn nǐ jiù bùnéng yě lǐ jiè yíxià wǒ de kànfǎ ma? Wǒ bùnéng jiǎzhuāng chéng lìng yígèrén a.” | “I understand your annoyance, but can you also understand my point of view? I can't pretend to be somebody I'm not.” |
“是的,我理解你。我只是必须得听我父亲的一些同事们在这里发表一些有偏见的言论。比如他们缺乏对无家可归者的尊重。他们对一切都以偏概全,而且不去理解这些人的窘境。” | “ Shì de, wǒ lǐjiě nǐ. Wǒ zhǐshì bìxū děi tīng wǒ fùqīn de yìxiē tóngshìmen zài zhèlǐ fābiǎo yìxiē yǒu piānjiàn de yánlùn. Bǐrú tāmen quēfá duì wú jiā kě guī zhě de zūnzhòng. Tāmen duì yíqiè dōu yǐ piān gài quán, érqiě bú qù lǐjiě zhèxiē rén de jiǒngjìng.” | “Yes, I understand you. I just had to listen to some of the biased remarks some of my dad’s colleagues here made. For example, their lack of respect for the homeless. They generalise everything and don't understand the plight of these people. |
“这就是贪婪和自私啊。他们的人生哲学就是如果每个人都像他们一样工作就都可以发家致富。” | “Érqiě zhè zhǒng tānlán hé zìsī, shì yīnwèi tāmen de rénshēng zhéxué jiùshì rúguǒ měi gè rén dōu xiàng tāmen yíyàng gōngzuò jiù dōu kěyǐ fājiā zhìfù.” | "And this greed and selfishness, their philosophy is that everyone can thrive if they work like them.” |
“是的,他们并不理解有些人必须要牺牲些什么。但是我们可以在某些问题上想得不一样,同时我们也可以与这些上流社会有一些有建设性的对话并且表示恭敬。如果我们想要当上领导,与他们的这种互动对我们来说真的很重要。” | “ Shì de, tāmen bìng bù lǐjiě yǒuxiē rén bìxū yào xīshēng xiē shénme. Dànshì wǒmen kěyǐ zài mǒu xiē wèntí shàng xiǎng de bùyíyàng, tóngshí wǒmen yě kěyǐ yǔ zhèxiē shàngliú shèhuì yǒu yìxiē yǒu jiànshè xìng de duìhuà bìng jiànlì hùxiāng zūnjìng de guānxì. Rúguǒ wǒmen xiǎng yào dāng shàng lǐngdǎo, yǔ tāmen de zhè zhǒng hùdòng duì wǒmen láishuō zhēn de hěn zhòngyào.” | “Yes, they don't understand what some have to sacrifice. But we can think differently about certain topics and still have a constructive dialogue and respectful relationships with the upper class. If we want to get into positions of leadership, this interaction with them is really important for us.” |