el paracaídas | the parachute |
llamar la atención de alguien | to draw sb’s attention to sth |
el comediante | the comedian |
todos los años | annually |
el fantasma | the ghost |
sobrenatural | supernatural |
la aparición | the occurrence |
la comedia | the comedy |
anunciar | to announce |
misteriosamente | mysteriously |
venir a la mente | to come to mind |
aventurero | adventurous |
bucear | to dive |
ahogar | to drown |
el hombro | the shoulder |
el gancho | the hook |
el corte | the cut |
la barbilla | the chin |
ansiosamente | anxiously |
el regreso | the return |
a punto de hacer algo | at the point of doing sth |
mareado | dizzy |
agotador | exhausting |
la inmersión | the dive |
la fuerza | the strength |
navegar | to sail |
recuperar | to regain |
la flexibilidad | the flexibility |
sin cambios | unchanged |
curar | to heal |
ligeramente | slightly |
rígido | stiff |
la cicatriz | the scar |
picar | to itch |
el oxígeno | the oxygen |
durar | to last |
ingenuo | naive |
rocoso | rocky |
el salto | the jump |
la velocidad | the speed |
la caída | the fall |
fatal | fatal |
defectuoso | faulty |
-- | thoroughly |
investigar | to research |
comparar | to compare |
el aeródromo | the airfield |
asumir | to assume |
el hangar | the hangar |
justo | precisely |
la cerca | the fence |
el paquete | the package |
el organizador | the organizer |
retirado | retired |
la lesión | the injury |
emocionado | excited |
tranquilizar | to reassure |
asustar | to frighten sb |
mantener una promesa | to keep a promise |
tomar la palabra de alguien | to take sb's word for it |
nerviosamente | nervously |
en buenas manos | in safe hands |
aun así | nevertheless |
preocupado | troubled |
inesperadamente | out of the blue |
el miedo | the fear |
insoportable | unbearable |
deshacer | to reverse |
la bienvenida | the greeting |
conocer algo | to get to know sth |
el objetivo | the aim |
la definición | the definition |
la teoría | the theory |
así como | as well as |
el botón | the button |
presionar | to press |
analizar | to analyse |
resumir | to sum up |
el punto clave | the key point |
demandar | boldly |
intrépidamente | to demand |
estar autorizado para hacer algo | to be authorized to do sth |
permanentemente | permanently |
la disciplina | the discipline |
apropiado | proper |
extenso | thorough |
inseguro | uncertain |
fatal | deadly |
la complicación | the complication |
no importa cuán | no matter how |
bien equipado | well-equipped |
bien cualificado | well-qualified |
mandón | bossy |
frustrante | frustrating |
inapropiadamente | inappropriately |
jugar | to mess around |
la orden | the order |
cancelar | to cancel |
tirar | to knock over |
la caja | the box |