la jubilación | the retirement |
el suegro | the father in law |
comprar | to purchase |
aislado | isolated |
la parcela | the plot |
la cabaña | the cabin |
el papeleo | the paperwork |
significativo | significant |
la compra | the purchase |
poner a alguien en una situación difícil | to put sb in a difficult position |
de la nada | out of nowhere |
cerrar | to conclude |
el trato | the transaction |
maldecir | to swear |
en voz alta | aloud |
repensar | to rethink |
la planificación | the planning |
embarcarse | to board |
la fragancia | the scent |
libre de impuestos | duty-free |
insistir | to insist |
gran | superb |
harto | fed up |
la niebla | the mist |
húmedo | damp |
el ánimo | the encouragement |
el aterrizaje | the landing |
la furgoneta | the van |
tranquilo | tranquil |
la curva | the bend |
frenar | to brake |
la visión | the glimpse |
excepcional | exceptional |
sorprendida | astonished |
subestimar | to underestimate |
pintoresco | picturesque |
preservado | unspoiled |
el lugar | the spot |
el encanto | the charm |
el prado | the meadow |
el zorro | the fox |
el ciervo | the deer |
la rana | the frog |
el estanque | the pond |
vecino | neighbouring |
la mansion | the mansion |
parecerse | to resemble |
el palacio | the palace |
el jardinero | the gardener |
el seto | the hedge |
el borde | the boundary |
el dominio | the estate |
competir | to compete |
advertir | to warn |
el robo | the burglary |
la propiedad | the property |
elegante | posh |
relajarse | to chill out |
la pinta | the pint |
la paz | the peace |
desconectar | to switch off |
descansar | to rest |
el rato | the stay |
el coraje | the bravery |
invertir | to invest |
la ciudadanía | the citizenship |
la incertidumbre | the uncertainty |
la pensión | the pension |
transferir | to transfer |
comparable | comparable |
la discapacidad | the disability |
bastante | quite a bit |
sobrevivir | to survive |
estado | state |
mantener | to maintain |
el estándar | the standard |
el nivel de vida | the standard of life |
económicamente | financially |
suficiente | sufficient |
en todo caso | in any case |
en general | generally speaking |
la privacidad | the privacy |
el negocio | the commerce |
el electricista | the electrician |
las horas extra | the overtime |
empeorar las cosas | to make matters worse |
justificar | to justify |
la ausencia | the absence |
la fase | the phase |
quedar sin algo | to be short of sth |
la envidia | the envy |
la soledad | the loneliness |
lo peor de todo | the worst of all |
recordar | to recall |
hacer un examen | to sit an exam |
felicitar | to congratulate |
la medalla | the medal |
la carrera | the running |
estar enojado por | to be mad about |
negativamente | negatively |
impactar | to impact |
vivir para | to live for |
sin importancia | unimportant |
el compromiso | the compromise |
el factor | the factor |
separar | to separate |
quejarse | to complain |
de mal humor | bad-tempered |
ansioso | anxious |
relativamente | comparatively |
acomodado | well-off |
desear | to feel the desire |
sabio | wise |
crecer | to grow up |
ser consciente de | to be conscious of |
hasta cierto punto | to some extent |
abiertamente | openly |
la jardinería | the gardening |
evidente | evident |
terco | stubborn |
comprometerse | to compromise |
empeorando cada vez más | worse and worse |
la prisa | the hurry |
fiel | faithful |
algo | sort of |
predecible | predictable |