E7庆祝 | E7 Qìngzhù | E7 The Celebration |
索菲亚的嫂子邀请索菲亚和马克来庆祝他们小女儿的出生。她的全家人以及邻近村庄的朋友都来了。 | Suǒfēiyà de sǎozi yāoqǐng Suǒfēiyà hé Mǎkè lái qìngzhù tāmen xiǎo nǚ'ér de chūshēng. Tā de quán jiārén yǐjí línjìn cūnzhuāng de péngyǒu dōu láile. | Sophia’s sister-in-law has invited Sophia and Marc to celebrate the birth of their baby daughter. Her entire family as well as some friends from the neighbouring villages are there. |
“ 你好吗? 看起来不错啊。 ” | “Nǐ hǎo ma? Kànqǐlái bú cuò a. ” | “How are you? You look great.” |
“哦,索菲娅,很高兴你能这么说。我太疲惫了,我有太多个‘不眠之夜’了!我们轮流照顾宝宝。我在生完孩子后就非常容易变累。能有人支持我太好了。” | “Ó, Suǒfēiyà, hěn gāoxìng nǐ néng zhème shuō. Wǒ tài píbèile, wǒ yǒu tài duō gè ‘bùmián zhī yè’ le! Wǒmen lúnliú zhàogù bǎobǎo. Wǒ zài shēng wán háizi hòu jiù fēicháng róngyì biàn lèi. Néng yǒurén zhīchí wǒ tài hǎole.” | “Oh Sophia, that's nice of you to say! I'm totally exhausted, I've had so many sleepless nights! We take turns looking after the baby. I grow tired so easily since the birth. It's great to have somebody to back me up.” |
“如果你需要帮助或精神支持,不要犹豫,马上给我们打电话。你还有我可以依赖!” | “Rúguǒ nǐ xūyào bāngzhù huò jīngshén zhīchí, búyào yóuyù, mǎshàng gěi wǒmen dǎ diànhuà. Nǐ hái yǒu wǒ kěyǐ yīlài!” | “If you need help or moral support, don't hesitate to call us. You can always rely on me!” |
”谢谢。我自尊心太强不愿让别人帮忙,但现在这里的情况是,这里经常会失控。我们现在总是吵架, 坦白说那都是因为我太紧张了。我以前一直为自己的外貌感到骄傲,但是现在我正在努力恢复身材并且练出肌肉。 | ” Xièxiè. Wǒ zìzūnxīn tài qiáng bú yuàn ràng biérén bāngmáng, dàn xiànzài zhèlǐ de qíngkuàng shì, shìqíng jīngcháng huì shīkòng. Wǒmen xiànzài zǒng shì chǎojià, tǎnbái shuō nà dōu shì yīnwèi wǒ tài jǐnzhāng le. Wǒ yǐqián yìzhí wèi zìjǐ de wàimào gǎndào jiāo'ào, dànshì xiànzài wǒ zhèngzài nǔlì huīfù shēncái bìngqiě liànchū jīròu. | “Thank you. I'm usually too proud to do that but in this case things sometimes get out of control. We're currently quarrelling a lot and I confess that it happens because of how tense I am. I used to always take pride in my looks but now I'm struggling to regain my figure and build up my muscles. |
我的生活方式都变了,我失去了独立。我想做个深呼吸的时间都没 有,而且事实上我总是忙得跳过了我的午餐。我可以或多或少地做到照顾家里这一类事,但我根本没有时间做一些放松的事。” | Wǒ de shēnghuó fāngshì dōu biànle, wǒ shīqùle dúlì. Wǒ xiǎng zuò gè shēnhūxī de shíjiān dōu méiyǒu, érqiě shìshí shàng wǒ zǒngshì máng de tiàoguòle wǒ de wǔcān. Wǒ kěyǐ huò duō huò shǎo de zuòdào zhàogù jiā lǐ zhè yī lèi shì, dàn wǒ gēnběn méiyǒu shíjiān zuò yīxiē fàngsōng de shì.” | My lifestyle has changed and I've lost my independence. I never have time to take a deep breath, I virtually always skip lunch. I more or less manage to look after the household and all that, but I never have time to do something relaxing.” |
“那一定很累人,特别是像你的宝宝这样活泼的。你的房子真的不算乱。上周我去了一个朋友的家。她的孩子是去年夏天出生的。她的房子真的是一团糟。她的上衣上还有牙膏,而且好几周都没洗过头了。” | “Nà yīdìng hěn lèirén, tèbié shì xiàng nǐ de bǎobǎo zhèyàng huópō de. Nǐ de fángzi zhēn de bú suàn luàn. Shàng zhōu wǒ qùle yígè péngyǒu de jiā. Tā de háizi shì qùnián xiàtiān chūshēng de. Tā de fángzi zhēn de shì yìtuánzāo. Tā de shàngyī shàng hái yǒu yágāo, érqiě hǎojǐ zhōu dōu méi xǐguò tóule.” | “That must be very tiring, especially if the baby is as lively as yours. Your house is really not untidy. Last week I was at a friend’s whose baby was born last summer. Her house was an absolute mess. She had toothpaste on her top and hadn't washed her hair for weeks.” |
“很方便的是,我婆婆住得离这里不超过十分钟。而且真的配得上她“超级妈妈“的名声。上周我得了流感,她马上就过来帮我了。 | “Hěn fāngbiàn de shì, wǒ pópo zhù de lí zhèlǐ bù chāoguò shí fēnzhōng. Érqiě zhēn de pèi de shàng tā “chāojí māmā “de míngshēng. Shàng zhōu wǒ déle liúgǎn, tā mǎshàng jiù guòlái bāng wǒle. | “Well, conveniently, my mother-in-law lives no more than 10 minutes from here. She really lives up to her reputation as a super-mum. I had the flu last week and she came over immediately. |
她把她的东西从行李箱都拿出来后,就接手了一切事情。她照顾宝宝完全没有问题,她有能安抚小孩子的影响力。就好像,一看到她,宝宝就会自动好好表现一样。我希望她二十四小时都在那里。没有她我就会不知所措。” | Tā bǎ tā de dōngxī cóng xínglǐ xiāng dōu ná chūlái hòu, jiù jiēshǒule yíqiè shìqíng. Tā zhàogù bǎobǎo wánquán méiyǒu wèntí, tā yǒu néng ānfǔ xiǎo háizi de yǐngxiǎng lì. Jiù hǎoxiàng, yí kàndào tā bǎobǎo jiù huì zìdòng hǎo hao biǎoxiàn yíyàng. Wǒ xīwàng tā èrshísì xiǎoshí dōu zài nàlǐ. Méiyǒu tā wǒ jiù huì bùzhī suǒ cuò.” | "She unpacked her things and took over everything from me. She has no trouble with the baby at all, she has a very calming influence on the little one. It's as if she automatically behaves the moment she spots her. I wish she would be here around the clock. I'm lost without her.” |
“她能做到这些真是太好了。我想就目前而言,当压力过大时,你应该请她来帮你。你很幸运。她是一个退休人士了,而且对带孩子充满了热情。” | “Tā néng zuòdào zhèxiē zhēnshi tài hǎole. Wǒ xiǎng jiù mùqián ér yán, dāng yālì guòdà shí, nǐ yīnggāi qǐng tā lái bāng nǐ. Nǐ hěn xìngyùn tā shì yígè tuìxiū rénshìle, érqiě duì dài háizi chōngmǎnle rèqíng.” | “It's great that she does that. I think for the time being you should ask her to help when things are overwhelming you. You're lucky that she's a pensioner and has such a passion for children.” |
“是的,我为此非常感激她。每次她来的时候,我就终于有时间去做所有那些乏味和避免不了的家务。不过,你最近怎么样,索菲娅?我听说你的公司裁员,是吗?” | “Shì de, wǒ wèi cǐ fēicháng gǎnjī tā. Měi cì tā lái de shíhòu, wǒ jiù zhōngyú yǒu shíjiān qù zuò suǒyǒu nàxiē fáwèi hé bìmiǎn bù liǎo de jiāwù. Búguò, nǐ zuìjìn zěnme yàng, Suǒfēiyà? Wǒ tīng shuō nǐ de gōngsī cáiyuánle, shì ma?” | “Yes, I am very thankful for that. Whenever she's here I finally have time to do all the tedious and unavoidable housework. But, tell me, how you are doing, Sophia? I heard there were redundancies in your company?” |
“是的,但对我们这些实习生并没有影响。高管们做出了关闭已经不再可持续发展的一些地区这一战略决定。” | “Shì de, dàn duì wǒmen zhèxiē shíxí shēng bìng méiyǒu yǐngxiǎng. Gāoguǎnmen zuò chūle guānbì yǐjīng bú zài kě chíxù fāzhǎn de yìxiē dìqū zhè yí zhànlüè juédìng.” | “Yeah, but it didn't affect us trainees. The executives made some strategic decisions to close some departments that weren't sustainable anymore.” |
“他们咨询过员工吗?还是他们真敢不问问工人们选举出来的代表就这样实行?他们可真是不惜一切代价地来取悦股市里的投资者啊。” | “Tāmen zīxúnguò yuángōng ma? Háishì tāmen zhēn gǎn bú wèn wèn gōngrénmen xuǎnjǔ chūlái de dàibiǎo jiù zhèyàng shíxíng? Tāmen kě zhēnshi bùxī yíqiè dàijià de lái qǔyuè gǔshì lǐ de tóuzīzhě a.” | “Did they consult with the employees? Or did they dare implement this without asking the delegates that the workers elected? They really stop at nothing to please the stock market.” |
“他们自愿提供了遣散费,但是许多员工不愿意接受。他们也可以谈判达成协定。员工之间都非常团结。他们提名了一个发言人来代表他们。他们收集了大家的签名,而且起草了一份有关他们要求的备忘录。” | “Tāmen zìyuàn tígōngle qiǎnsàn fèi, dànshì xǔduō yuángōng bú yuànyì jiēshòu. Tāmen yě kěyǐ tánpàn dáchéng xiédìng. Yuángōng zhī jiān dōu fēicháng tuánjié. Tāmen tímíngle yígè fāyán rén lái dàibiǎo tāmen. Tāmen shōujíle dàjiā de qiānmíng, érqiě qǐcǎole yífèn yǒuguān tāmen yāoqiú de bèiwànglù.” | “They offered voluntary redundancy payments but a lot of the employees were reluctant to accept them. They could also have negotiated a settlement. There's an immense solidarity among the employees. They have nominated a spokesman to represent them. They also have collected signatures and drafted a memo about their demands” |
“管理层能就这样把职员踢出公司,真是可耻。” | “Guǎnlǐ céng néng jiù zhèyàng bǎ zhíyuán tī chū gōngsī, zhēnshi kěchǐ.” | “How the management can just kick out personnel like that is really shameful.” |
“不过,这些地区确实很长一段时间都没有效益了,因此解散是不可避免的。现今人员的迁移是很正常的,应该积极主动并且让自己有动力去学习新的东西。” | “Búguò, zhèxiē dìqū quèshí hěn cháng yíduàn shíjiān dōu méiyǒu xiàoyìle, yīncǐ jiěsàn shì bùkě bìmiǎn de. Xiànjīn |