E9网球比赛 | E9 Wǎngqiú Bǐsài | E9 The tennis match |
安娜试图保持身材,不增重。她已经为与本打一场比赛而预订了一个网球场,但不幸的是他在最后一刻突然必须去参加一个会议。安娜只能借此机会邀请了索菲亚。 | Ānnà shìtú bǎochí shēncái, bù zēng zhòng. Tā yǐjīng wèi yǔ Běn dǎ yìchǎng bǐsài ér yùdìngle yígè wǎngqiúchǎng, dàn búxìng de shì tā zài zuìhòu yíkè túrán bìxū qù cānjiā yígè huìyì. Ānnà zhǐ néng jiè cǐ jīhuì yāoqǐngle Suǒfēiyà. | Anna is trying to keep in shape and not gain weight. She has booked a tennis court for a match with Ben, but unfortunately he is called to participate in a meeting at the last minute. Anna takes the opportunity to invite Sophia to play instead. |
“嘿,索菲亚,最近怎么样?你想和我一起打网球吗?” | “Hēi, Suǒfēiyà, zuìjìn zěnme yàng?” Nǐ xiǎng hé wǒ yìqǐ dǎ wǎngqiú ma?” | “Hey Sophia, what’s up? Do you want to play tennis with me?” |
“我今天得学习。我的作业都堆在了桌子上。我现在真的很慌。” | “Wǒ jīntiān děi xuéxí. Wǒ de zuòyè dōu duī zàile zhuōzi shàng. Wǒ xiànzài zhēn de hěn huāng.” | “I have to study today. The work is piling up on my desk. I'm panicking already.” |
“但是干嘛不去啊!”咱们就抓住这个机会吧!如果我现在更改预订,我就得交罚款呢。 | “Dànshì gàn ma bú qù a!” Zánmen jiù zhuā zhù zhège jīhuì ba! Rúguǒ wǒ xiànzài gēnggǎi yùdìng, wǒ jiù děi jiāo fákuǎn ne. | “But why not! Let's seize the opportunity! If I modified the booking now, I'd have to pay a penalty. |
”本通常都在健身这件事上是个好榜样。他简直是一个真正的运动员。不训练他就会感到不安。他甚至参加了一个锦标赛,并且赢得了奖杯。” | ” Běn tōngcháng dōu zài jiànshēn zhè jiàn shì shàng shì gè hǎo bǎngyàng. Tā jiǎnzhí shì yígè zhēnzhèng de yùndòngyuán. Bú xùnliàn tā jiù huì gǎndào bù'ān. Tā shènzhì cānjiāle yígè jǐnbiāosài, bìngqiě yíngdéle jiǎngbēi.” | “Ben is usually the one who sets a good example with his workout. He's a real athlete. When he doesn’t train, he gets restless. He even played in a tournament and won a trophy.” |
“你说得有道理。最近我有些缺乏锻炼。我整天待在室内。而且我的背上有着永久性的伤痛,每次坐在书桌前,都会非常疼。” | “Nǐ shuō de yǒu dàolǐ. Zuìjìn wǒ yǒuxiē quēfá duànliàn. Wǒ zhěng tiān dāi zài shìnèi. Érqiě wǒ de bèi shàng yǒuzhe yǒngjiǔ xìng de shāngtòng, měi cì zuò zài shūzhuō qián, dōu huì fēicháng téng.” | “You have a point. I'm lacking exercise these days. I stay indoors all day. And I have this permanent ache in my back, every time I sit at my desk, it hurts so much.” |
”考试后,我的背部肌肉也感觉很僵硬,但是我进行了按摩治疗,而且这让我十分受益。现在我灵活多了。然而在找到一位熟练的治疗师之前,我忍受了好几个月的痛苦。 | ” Kǎoshì hòu, wǒ de bèibù jīròu yě gǎnjué hěn jiāngyìng, dànshì wǒ jìnxíng le ànmó zhìliáo, érqiě zhè ràng wǒ shífēn shòuyì. Xiànzài wǒ línghuó duōle. Rán'ér zài zhǎodào yí wèi shúliàn de zhìliáo shī zhīqián, wǒ rěnshòu le hǎojǐ gè yuè de tòngkǔ. | “After the exams, my back muscles also felt stuck, but I went for some therapeutic massages, and I really benefited from them. Today I'm much more flexible. Before I found a skilful therapist, I had to endure the pain for months. |
他很会鼓励人。他告诉我说,我只需要做一些轻微的锻炼就基本上可以治好了。他还建议我多做些伸展运动,而且买一个体操球从而锻炼我背部的肌肉。” | Tā hěn huì gǔlì rén. Tā gàosù wǒ shuō, wǒ zhǐ xū yào zuò yìxiē qīngwēi de duànliàn jiù jīběn shàng kěyǐ zhì hǎo le. Tā hái jiànyì wǒ duō zuò xiē shēnzhǎn yùndòng, érqiě mǎi yígè tǐcāo qiú cóng'ér duànliàn wǒ bèibù de jīròu.” | "He was very encouraging. He told me that I could essentially cure the pain with mild exercises. He also suggested I stretch more and that I buy a gymnastic ball to sit on so as to train my back muscles.” |
当他们到达网球俱乐部时,安娜把头发整齐地绑起来绑成了一个马尾辫,而且跪下来穿上了鞋。他们先玩了一轮比赛,然后休息 一下。 | Dāng tāmen dàodá wǎng qiú jùlèbù shí, Ānnà bǎ tóufǎ zhěngqí de bǎng qǐlái bǎng chéngle yígè mǎwěi biàn, érqiě guì xiàlái chuān shàngle xié. Tāmen xiān wánle yì lún bǐsài, ránhòu xiūxí b yíxià. | When they arrive at the tennis club, Anna neatly ties up her hair into a ponytail and kneels down to put on her shoes. They play one set and then have a break. |
“本是一个非常棒的教练。他真的很激励我。他指出了我的一些常见的错误,并帮助我改正了这些错误。” | “Běn shì yígè fēicháng bàng de jiàoliàn. Tā zhēn de hěn jīlì wǒ. Tā zhǐchūle wǒ de yìxiē chángjiàn de cuòwù, bìng bāngzhù wǒ gǎizhèngle zhèxiē cuòwù.” | “Ben is a great trainer. He really inspires me. He highlighted some of my typical errors and he's really helped me to correct them.” |
“啊,那么这就不是巧合了。我觉得和你相比,自己今天这么的笨拙没用。你有很强的耐力。你打球那么的轻松,而且你一直在球场上冲过来冲过去。你今天肯定要打败我了!” | “A, nàme zhè jiù búshì qiǎohéle. Wǒ juéde hé nǐ xiāng bǐ, zìjǐ jīntiān zhème de bènzhuō méi yòng. Nǐ yǒu hěn qiáng de nàilì. Nǐ dǎqiú nàme de qīngsōng, érqiě nǐ yìzhí zài qiúchǎng shàng chōng guòlái chōng guòqù. Nǐ jīntiān kěndìng yào dǎbài wǒle!” | “Ah, so it's not a coincidence. Compared to you, I feel so clumsy and useless today. You have so much stamina. You're hitting the ball so casually and dashing across the court. You're going to defeat me today!” |
“起初我总是喘不过气来。我那时候真的玩不过五分钟。现在,我试着每周健身两次,这确实很有意义。” | “Qǐchū wǒ zǒng shì chuǎn búguò qì lái. Wǒ nà shíhòu zhēn de wán búguò wǔ fēnzhōng. Xiànzài, wǒ shìzhe měi zhōu jiànshēn liǎng cì, zhè quèshí hěn yǒu yìyì.” | “At first, I was always really out of breath. I literally could not play for more than five minutes. Now, I try to work out twice a week and it is really rewarding.” |
“今晚我在你家里过夜的时候,我要跟本谈谈。也许他也可以帮我规划一下我的训练。” | “Jīnwǎn wǒ zài nǐ jiālǐ guòyè de shíhòu, wǒ yào gēn Běn tán tán. Yěxǔ tā yě kěyǐ bāng wǒ guīhuà yíxià wǒ de xùnliàn.” | “Let me speak with Ben tonight when I stay over at yours. Maybe he can also help me structure my training.” |
“本应该成为一个私人教练。他正在写生态学和环保补贴方面的文章,但他的专长其实是运动和营养。” | “Běn yīnggāi chéngwéi yígè sīrén jiàoliàn. Tā zhèngzài xiě shēngtài xué hé huánbǎo bǔtiē fāngmiàn de wénzhāng, dàn tā de zhuāncháng qíshí shì yùndòng hé yíngyǎng.” | “Ben should become a personal trainer. He's writing about ecology and subsidies, but his speciality is really sports and nutrition. |
“这是现在的热门话题,因为肥胖对我们社会的影响非常让人担忧。医疗保健服务很快会变得让人负担不起,而这一制度也会破产的。这会对我们所有人造成毁灭性的后果。” | “Zhè shì xiànzài de rèmén huàtí, yīnwèi féipàng duì wǒmen shèhuì de yǐngxiǎng fēicháng ràng rén dānyōu. Yīliáo bǎojiàn fúwù hěn kuài huì biàn de ràng rén fùdān bù qǐ, ér zhè yí zhìdù yě huì pòchǎn de. Zhè huì duì wǒmen suǒyǒu rén zàochéng huǐmiè xìng de hòuguǒ.” | "It's a hot topic right now, because the implications of obesity for our society are alarming. Health care will soon be unaffordable and the system will go bankrupt. It'll have devastating consequences for all of us.” |
“现今人们已经强化了这方面的意识,但是 还缺少一个广泛普及的相关倡议。” | “Xiànjīn rénmen yǐjīng qiánghuàle zhè fāngmiàn de yìshí, dànshì hái quēshǎo yígè guǎngfàn pǔjí de xiāngguān chàngyì.” | “There is a bit more awareness today, but not yet any widespread initiatives against it.” |
“很多肥胖的人报酬过低,而且很难做到收支平衡。他们根本无法总是想着正确饮食的问题。” | “Hěnduō féipàng de rén bàochóuguò dī, érqiě hěn nán zuò dào shōu zhī pínghéng. Tāmen gēn běn wúfǎ zǒng shì xiǎngzhe zhèngquè yǐnshí de wèntí.” | “Many obese people are underpaid and struggle to make ends meet. They simply can't dwell upon the question of what the right diet is.” |
“是的,看起来他们的体重超标可能是由某些食物造成的。因为这些食物成分的营养极少,也导致了他们对维生素的缺乏。 | “Shì de, kànqǐlái tāmen de tǐzhòng chāobiāo kěnéng shì yóu mǒu xiē shíwù zàochéng de. Yīnwèi zhèxiē shíwù chéngfèn de yíngyǎng jí shǎo, yě dǎozhìle tāmen duì wéishēngsù de quēfá. | “Yeah, it appears that their excessive weight is caused by certain foods. Due to their minimal levels of nutritious ingredients, these also lead to vitamin deficiencies. |
“业界正在寻找新的解决方案。据说转基因食物可以大幅度增加粮食生产的效率。” | “Yèjiè zhèngzài xúnzhǎo xīn de jiějué fāng'àn. Jùshuō zhuǎnjīyīn shíwù kěyǐ dà fúdù zēngjiā liángshí shēngchǎn de xiàolǜ.” | "The industry is looking for new solutions. Supposedly genetically modified foods can drastically increase efficiency in food production.” |
“而且,这样供应商们也更容易储存,因为它们不会很快发霉。农民也可以获得更好的产量。” | “Érqiě, zhèyàng gōngyìng shāngmen yě gèng róngyì chúcún, yīnwèi tāmen bú huì hěn kuài fāméi. Nóngmín yě kěyǐ huòdé gèng hǎo de chǎnliàng.” | “And, it's also easier for suppliers to keep them in stock, since they don’t become mouldy so quickly. Farmers can attain higher yields.” |
“真让人不敢相信,甚至你也这么说!平常你很在意这些东西的副作用的啊。” | “Zhēn ràng rén bù gǎn xiāngxìn, shènzhì nǐ yě zhème shuō! Píngcháng nǐ hěn zàiyì zhèxiē dōngxī de fù zuòyòng de a.” | “It's unbelievable that you, of all people, are saying this! Usually you're so conscious of the side effects of these things.” |
“我理解你的愤怒,但这又是唯一合乎逻辑的解决办法。” | “Wǒ lǐjiě nǐ de fènnù, dàn zhè yòu shì wéi yī héhū luóji de jiějué bànfǎ.” | “I understand your outrage, but it is also the only logical solution.” |
网球比赛 | wǎngqiú bǐsài | the tennis match | | network | ball | ratio | match | |
保持身材 | bǎochí shēnc ái | to keep in shape | | protect | hold | body | material | |
增重 | zēng zhòng | to gain weight | | increase | weight | |
网球场 | wǎng qiúchǎng | the tennis court | | network | ball | field | |
参加 | cānjiā | to participate | | join | add | |
借此机会 | jiè cǐ jīhuì | to take the opportunity to | | borrow | this | machine | meeting | |
最近怎么样 | zuìjìn zěnme yàng | what's up | | most | near | how | what | kind | |
堆 | duī | to pile up | | heap | |
慌 | huāng | to panic | | panic | |
干嘛不 | gàn ma bù | why not | | dry | 0 | not | |
抓住 | zhuā zhù | to seize | | grab | live | |
罚款 | fákuǎn | the penalty | | punish | paragraph | |
更改 | gēnggǎi | to modify | | more | change | |
是个好榜样 | shì gè hǎo bǎngyàng | to set a good example | | be | a | good | list | kind | |
运动员 | yùndòngyuán | the athlete | | luck | move | person | |
不安 | bù'ān | restless | | not | quiet | |
训练 | xùnliàn | to train | | train | practice | |
锦标赛 | jǐnbiāosài | the tournament | | brocade | label | match | |
赢 | yíng | to win | | win | |
奖杯 | jiǎngbēi | the trophy | | award | cup | |
说得有道理 | shuō de yǒu dàolǐ | to have a point | | say | get | have | say | manage | |
锻炼 | duànliàn | the exercise | | forge | refine | |
室内 | shìnèi | indoors | | room | inside | |
永久性 | yǒngjiǔ xìng | permanent | | forever | long | -ity | |
伤痛 | shāngtòng | the ache | | injury | ache | |
僵硬 | jiāngyìng | stuck | | stiff | hard | |
治疗 | zhìliáo | therapeutic | | cure | treatment | |
按摩 | ànmó | the massage | | according to | friction | |
受益 | shòuyì | to benefit | | receive | beneficial | |
灵活 | línghuó | flexible | | spirit | live | |
忍受 | rěnshòu | to endure | | endure | receive | |
熟练 | shúliàn | skilful | | cooked | practice | |
治疗师 | zhìliáo shī | the therapist | | cure | treatment | master | |
会鼓励人 | huì gǔlì rén | encouraging | | meeting | drum | encourage | people | |
基本上 | jīběnshàng | essentially | | base | book | on | |
治好 | zhì hǎo | to cure | | cure | good | |
轻微 | qīngwēi | mild | | light | tiny | |
做伸展运动 | zuò shēnzhǎn yùndòng | to stretch | | do | stretch | exhibition | luck | move | |
体操 | tǐcāo | gymnastic | | body | hold | |
从而 | cóng'ér | so as to | | from | and | |
整齐 | zhěngqí | neatly | | whole | together | |
绑起来 | bǎng qǐlái | to tie up | | tie | begin | come | |
马尾辫 | mǎwěi biàn | the ponytail | | horse | tail | braid | |
穿上 | chuān shàng | to put on - | | wear | on | |
轮 | lún | the set | | wheel | |
教练 | jiàoliàn | the trainer | | teach | practice | |
激励 | jīlì | to inspire | | excite | encourage | |
改正 | gǎizhèng | to correct | | change | just | |
巧合 | qiǎohé | the coincidence | | skillful | close | |
笨拙 | bènzhuō | clumsy | | fool | clumsy | |
没用 | méi yòng | useless | | no | use | |
耐力 | nàilì | the stamina | | be resistant | force | |
打 | dǎ | to hit | | hit | |
轻松 | qīngsōng | casually | | light | loose | |
冲 | chōng | to dash | | rush | |
冲过来冲过去 | chōng guòlái chōng guòqù | to dash across | | rush | past | come | rush | past | go | |
打败 | dǎbài | to defeat | | hit | defeat | |
喘不过气来 | chuǎn búguò qì lái | to be out of breath | | asthma | not | past | gas | come | |
真的 | zhēn de | literally | | true | of | |
有意义 | yǒu yìyì | rewarding | | have | meaning | righteous | |
过夜 | guòyè | to stay over | | past | night | |
规划 | guīhuà | to structure | | regulation | draw | |
私人教练 | sīrén jiàoliàn | the personal trainer | | private | people | teach | practice | |
生态 | shēngtài | the ecology | | live | state | |
补贴 | bǔtiē | the subsidy | | make up | paste | |
其实 | qíshí | really | | that | true | |
营养 | yíngyǎng | the nutrition | | camp | keep | |
专长 | zhuāncháng | the speciality | | specialize | long | |
热门话题 | rèmén huàtí | the hot topic | | heat | door | words | subject | |
影响 | yǐngxiǎng | the implication | | shadow | sound | |
让人担忧 | ràng rén dānyōu | alarming | | let | people | burden | worry | |
医疗保健服务 | yīliáo bǎojiàn fúwù | the health care | | medical | treatment | protect | healthy | clothes | business | |
让人负担不起 | ràng rén fùdān bù qǐ | unaffordable | | let | people | bear | burden | not | begin | |
破产 | pòchǎn | bankrupt | | broken | produce | |
毁灭性 | huǐmiè xìng | devastating | | destroy | extinguish | -ity | |
意识 | yìshí | the awareness | | meaning | knowledge | |
广泛普及 | guǎngfàn pǔjí | widespread | | broad | pan- | general | and | |
倡议 | chàngyì | the initiative | | advocate | opinion | |
肥胖 | féipàng | obese | | fat | fat | |
报酬过低 | bàochóuguò dī | underpaid | | report | reward | past | low | |
很难做到 | hěn nán zuò dào | to struggle to | | very | difficult | do | to | |
收支平衡 | shōu zhī pínghéng | to make ends meet | | receive | branch | level | weigh | |
总是想着 | zǒng shì xiǎngzhe | to dwell upon | | total | be | want | with | |
超标 | chāobiāo | excessive | | ultra | label | |
体重 | tǐzhòng | the weight | | body | weight | |
极少 | jí shǎo | minimal | | extreme | less | |
营养 | yíngyǎng | nutritious | | camp | keep | |
缺乏 | quēfá | the deficiency | | lack | lack | |
业界 | yèjiè | the industry | | industry | boundary | |
据说 | jùshuō | supposedly | | according to | say | |
转基因 | zhuǎnjīyīn | genetically modified | | revolve | base | because | |
大幅度 | dà fúdù | drastically | | big | width | spend | |
效率 | xiàolǜ | the efficiency | | effect | rate | |
供应商 | gōngyìng shāng | the supplier | | supply | should | business | |
储存 | chúcún | in stock | | Store | exist | |
发霉 | fāméi | mouldy | | hair | mold | |
农民 | nóngmín | the farmer | | farm | people | |
获得 | huòdé | to attain | | harvest | get | |
产量 | chǎnliàng | the yield | | produce | amount | |
真让人不敢相信 | zhēn ràng rén bù gǎn xiāngxìn | unbelievable | | true | let | people | not | dare | mutually | letter |
在意 | zàiyì | conscious | | in | meaning | |
作用 | zuòyòng | the effect | | make | use | |
副作用 | fù zuòyòng | the side effect | | deputy | make | use | |
愤怒 | fènnù | the outrage | | anger | angry | |
合乎逻辑 | héhūluóji | logical | | close | almost | logic | edit | |